Clare Swinney

207 posts | 110 images

I wrote for Investigate Magazine from 2000-2005, then decided to invest my energy in the alternative media, when I became aware of the rise of fascism that was being concealed from the public under the guise of hoaxes such as the "war on terror," by the mainstream media.

How many people still believe that the attacks of 9/11 were perpetrated by a man on dialysis, who, we were told, was living in a cave?  If you still believe that bizarre tale, which also requires you to believe that he was somehow able to get the multi-billion dollar Air Force Defence system to stand down that day, then you have fallen for propaganda of the lowest calibre.  Learn more.

Appalled by the lies being disseminated by the mainstream media that were being used to justify wars, such are the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, I complained to TVNZ and the Broadcasting Standards Authority (BSA) in 2006 about Osama bin Laden being blamed for the attacks of 9/11. Not surprisingly, TVNZ continued to lie and the BSA declined to determine my complaint.  Please refer:

After further complaints to the BSA in May 2006, my life was threatened, using techniques that I subsequently learnt have been used before on anti-war and 9/11 Truth activists, elsewhere in the world.  As I had been so primed with fear by these professionals in psychological operations,  I had trouble sleeping for several days.  As a result, I went out to get tranquilizers and to cut a long story short, I ended up at Northland Base Hospital, where the psychiatric staff wrongly diagnosed me as delusional because I maintained that 9/11 was orchestrated by the US Administration, during the discussion of why I had been threatened in the first place.  Unfortunately, they held me against my will for 11 days and forced me to take anti-psychotic medication.  The details of the ordeal are at the link here, and there is a radio interview with James Corbett regarding the matter, at the link  here.

Thankfully, after providing the hospital staff with documentaries about the truth of 9/11, and writing numerous letters and making many phone calls, - and then finally threatening to protest outside the hospital, in August 2008, I received a letter of apology from them, which can be viewed here.

As German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche said, what does not destroy you, makes you stronger.  I am still active in the Truth Movement and have three websites:  Northland New Zealand Chemtrails Watch,   Web Of Evidence: What They Don't Want You To Know,  and a YouTube channel, called WebOfEvidence.

I tell my friends who are interested in knowing what is really going on in the world, to listen to the radio shows at and the New Zealand-based Vinny Eastwood Show with Will Ryan,



Clare Swinney, M.Sc. (Hons),

Member of Scholars For 9/11 Truth and Justice.

Joined May 2008
29,948 profile views
News Images
Politics 20 Feb 2010
NZ911Truth's Call For A New Investigation Into 9/11 On Government Grounds A "Productive Event"

WELLINGTON — Here is a report from Helen Waddington of NZ911Truth on what happened yesterday, when they called for a new investigation into 9/11 on government grounds to mark AE911Truth getting 1,000 signatures on their petition:

NZ911Truth Outside The Beehive On Friday The 19th of February


Politics 19 Feb 2010
NZ911Truth At Parliament On Friday the 19th of February

WELLINGTON — As of January 2010, over 1,000 architects and engineers had signed the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth petition demanding a real investigation into the destruction of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11. 

Were Explosives Used To Bring WTC 1 & 2 Down?


Politics 18 Feb 2010
Another IPCC Error Uncovered – Antarctic Sea Ice Increase Underestimated by 50%

Significant increases in both Antarctic sea ice extent and ice area, have been downplayed by the IPCC.


Politics 18 Feb 2010
Truth Action Planned For Auckland On February the 27th

AUCKLAND — There is a truth action scheduled for Saturday, February the 27th, at 2pm in Aotea Square, in downtown Auckland.  Please bring any 9/11-related DVD's, flyers, banners etc., and be sure to invite any friends. 

Nanothermite From A US Government Lab Found In WTC Dust


Politics 17 Feb 2010
Assassination Attempt Will Blackmail Obama Into Attacking Iran

Establishment media talking points from every direction strongly indicate that a false flag attempt on President Obama's life is being considered, to be blamed on patsies from either the "extreme" right or left, in order to silence dissent in America and blackmail Obama into launching a military assault on Iran.


Politics 16 Feb 2010
'Evidence': A Short Film Created For Those Who Are Tired Of Being Called "Conspiracy Theorists"

This is a new video from a talented Truth Activist called Scootle Royale.  Royale got fed up with his friends ridiculing him and saying that he was obsessed with conspiracy theories.  He writes: "Theories this, theories that.

If You Do Enough Research, Conspiracy Theory Often Becomes Conspiracy Fact


Politics 16 Feb 2010
Newsletter Number 7 For 2010 From the Climate Realists Against the ETS

Here are the latest interesting updates from the Climate Realists against the ETS - Neil and Esther Henderson of Gisborne.  To sign up for a free newsletter with the couple, e-mail

The Realist


Politics 15 Feb 2010
Scientist At Centre of Climategate Row Admits: There Has Been No Global Warming Since 1995

Jonathan Petre of the UK Daily Mail has reported that Professor Phil Jones, the man at the centre of the Climategate scandal, has said that for the past 15 years there has been no ‘statistically significant’ warming.


Politics 14 Feb 2010
Climate Change in Tatters by Dr Muriel Newman

It is not often that international controversies have a direct impact on New Zealand, but "Climategate" (dubbed the biggest scientific scandal of all times) along with the associated collapse of the credibility of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) most certainly does.

Dr Muriel Newman


Politics 14 Feb 2010
Climate Scientists Admit Fresh Error Over Data On Rising Sea Levels

The UK Observer has reported that climate experts have been forced to admit another embarrassing error in their most recent report on the threat of climate change.

Global Warming Hype On Sea Levels


Health 13 Feb 2010
Are Aerosols Sprayed From Planes in NZ Poisoning The Environment? Range of Poisons, Including Arsenic Found At High Levels In Australian Rainwater

As aerosol spraying activity is occurring in New Zealand with alarming frequency over some residential areas, this important film is posted for those who missed it when it was released in January. 

Learn More About Chemtrails


Politics 13 Feb 2010
The New 9/11 Photos 'Prove WTC Exploded From Inside'

Why did the Prime Minister send troops to Afghanistan and put lives at risk on the basis of a lie? New photos of 9/11, published in the New Zealand media on the 11th of February, demonstrate that the official story of 9/11 is a fraud.


Politics 12 Feb 2010
Climate Realists' Meeting in Wellington‏ on 26th of February

On Friday 26th February, just prior to the Act party conference, a meeting will be held from 11am-3pm.


Politics 11 Feb 2010
Alex Jones TV On The Chinese-Style Censorship of & To NZ Users

For those who missed it on Sunday, in this video, radio show host, Alex Jones, of, which is the most popular radio show on the internet worldwide, speaks about the Chinese-style censorship of and by Asia Netcom, which occurred in New Zealand from the 5th to the 8th of February.


Politics 10 Feb 2010
Internet Censorship Alert! Alex Jones Exposes Agenda to 'Blacklist' Dissenting Sites & License Users

From Aaron Dykes & Alex Jones - The Western world, from Australia to the United States, UK and parts of Europe, are moving in a unified front toward dictatorial Internet censorship. 


Politics 9 Feb 2010
Frightening Taste Of Internet Censorship As Major Free Speech Websites Blocked

The following article by UK-based journalist, Paul Joseph Watson, includes information related to the censorship of and, that occurred in New Zealand from Friday evening until Monday afternoon.

New Zealand Had A Taste Of Chinese-Style Internet Censorship


Health 7 Feb 2010
H1N1 Vaccine Unsafe For Pregnant Women And Children?

By Katherine Smith      As you may know, the Ministry of Health is starting an A/H1N1 ("swine flu") influenza vaccination campaign in February.


Health 7 Feb 2010
Alex Jones Interviews the Former Head of Health For the Council Of EU About The WHO & The H1N1 Pandemic Hoax

Former German President of the Health Committee of the Council of Europe,  Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, spoke to Alex Jones of, about the World Health Organization (WHO) and the H1N1 pandemic hoax. 

Dr Wolfgang Wodarg


Politics 7 Feb 2010
Internet Censorship: Major Truth-Providing Websites Blocked By Asia Netcom To New Zealand Users

Has Chinese-style internet censorship arrived in New Zealand this year?

Radio Show Host, Alex Jones of &


Health 4 Feb 2010
Eyewitness Report: Aerosol Spraying Currently Occurring In Taranaki Five Days Out Of Seven

TARANAKI — Stratford residents, Steve Rowe and Rachel Brownlee, who have been photographing the aerosol spraying activity taking place in Central Taranaki for approximately 5 years, have reported that the aerosols are being sprayed over populated areas five out of seven days a week now.


Politics 1 Feb 2010
Newsletter Number 5 For 2010, From The Climate Realists Against The ETS

Here is the latest newsletter from Neil and Esther Henderson, the farming couple who became political activists in order to fight against the Emissions Trading Scheme scam.  Greetings once again Climate Realists.

There currently appears to be no end to the 'gates' surrounding us


Health 1 Feb 2010
Eyewitness Report: Aerosol Spraying Activity Over A Populated Area In The Bay of Islands Seen Occurring Twice In January

NORTHLAND — For those who think New Zealand is pristine, "clean and green," you may have to reconsider your evaluation.


Politics 27 Jan 2010
Newsletter Number 4 For 2010 From the Climate Realists Against the ETS

Here is the latest newsletter from Neil and Esther Henderson.  If you would like to sign up for a free newsletter, or offer your opinion or suggestions, don't hesitate to e-mail the Hendersons at

Dees Illustrations


Politics 27 Jan 2010
John Bursill Interviews Richard Gage of Architects & Engineers For 9/11 Truth

In this interview with Richard Gage of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, which was inspired by the group reaching a milestone of 1,000 qualified and licensed members, Gage talks to Australian 911 truth activist, John Bursill about his recent tour of New Zealand, Australia and Japan, plus much more.

Richard Gage of Architects & Engineers For 9/11 Truth


Health 26 Jan 2010
Caller To NewstalkZB Talks About Chemtrails & Suggests The Government Owes The Public An Explanation

On Monday night, shortly after 8.30pm, a man named Grant phoned NewstalkZB to bring up some  concerns he had about the rarely-mentioned topic of chemtrails with talk show host, Kerre Woodham and was on air for approximately five minutes.

This is from a video shot on March 8th, 2006 which is at YouTube.


Politics 25 Jan 2010
Scientist Admits IPCC Used Fake Data

David Rose of the Daily Mail has revealed in an article published on the 24th of January, that the IPCC made an unfounded claim about Himalayan glaciers melting by 2035 for political reasons.  It was engaging in fraud, not peer-reviewed scientific research as the public was told.

The IPCC is a political organisation, not a scientific one.


Politics 24 Jan 2010
The Water Pressure Group Needs Support In the Auckland District Court on the 27th of January

AUCKLAND — This is a message from Penny Bright, the Spokesperson for the Water Pressure Group of Auckland:


Politics 24 Jan 2010
Global Warming House of Cards Continues To Collapse

For those who missed it,  it has been revealed that the UN's claim of Himalayan glacier meltdown was taken from a single article in a science journal that, in turn was based on one phone interview with a little-known Indian scientist, Syed Hasnain, who now concedes he was merely speculating. 

Crystal Ball Reader


Politics 23 Jan 2010
Godfrey Bloom on Alex Jones TV: End of National Sovereignty & The Beginning of Global Servitude

Radio show host Alex Jones of spoke to Godfrey Bloom, a member of the European Parliament for Yorkshire and the Humber for the United Kingdom Independence Party.


Politics 22 Jan 2010
Godfrey Bloom Told The EU Parliament The NZ National Climate Data Base Is "All Fraudulent"

In the European parliament in Strasbourg on the 20th of January, God­frey Bloom, a Member of the European Parliament and the UKIP, said the New Zealand national climate data base is "all fraudulent."


Politics 21 Jan 2010
NZ Climate Realists' Against The ETS: Newsletter Number 3 For 2010

Here is the latest newsletter from our climate realists, Neil and Esther Henderson of Gisborne.   If you wish to sign up for a newsletter, e-mail them at

Climate Realists Against the ETS, Gisborne Farmers Neil & Esther Henderson


Politics 21 Jan 2010
Uncensored Editor, Jon Eisen: We've Got to Wake People Up To Chemtrailing Before It's Too Late

Jon Eisen, the editor of Uncensored magazine, which frequently publishes information related to chemtrailing, is asking for suggestions on how we can get New Zealand authorities to acknowledge that it is taking place.

Why Can't The Government Acknowledge Chemtrails?


Health 18 Jan 2010
New Website, Northland New Zealand Chemtrails Watch, To Keep Tabs On Spraying Activity

NORTHLAND — Betty Hooper of Northland suggested that residents start a "chemtrail watch" in a letter she wrote to the editor of the Northern Advocate, dated the 13th of January, 2010. Thanks to 89-year old Hooper's inspiration, a new website called 'Northland New Zealand Chemtrails Watch' has been established at

Report chemtrails when you see them


Politics 14 Jan 2010
New Documentary, Shadow Government, Provides New Evidence Of What An Ultra-Secretive Global Elite Control

In these times, we've all come to accept that our e-mails, telephone calls and financial transactions can be monitored and tracked, but do we really know how much of our lives are actually being observed and recorded and by whom?

Shadow Government: Get A Copy From


Politics 14 Jan 2010
Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura: Apocalypse 2012

This is the seventh episode in the thoroughly engaging Conspiracy Theory series, which aired on TruTV in the US on the 13th of January.  It exposes that some of the powerful and wealthy believe that the world is heading for disaster in 2012 and the US government is preparing to save and protect the elite, while leaving others to fend for themselves.


Politics 14 Jan 2010
Anti-War March In Auckland On the 16th of January

AUCKLAND — Let Hillary Clinton know that war is not OK.


Politics 13 Jan 2010
Climate Realists' Against The ETS: Newsletter Number Two for 2010

This is the latest newsletter from Neil and Esther Henderson, the Climate Realists against the Emissions Trading Scheme.

The Realist


Politics 6 Jan 2010
Lord Monckton on the U.N.'s Push for a Marxist One-World Government By Way of Global Warming Hoax

Radio show host, Alex Jones of recently spoke with Lord Monckton, the 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, British politician, business consultant, policy adviser, writer, columnist, inventor and hereditary peer.


Environment 5 Jan 2010
Snow In India & China Has Caused Serious Problems, Hundreds of New Cold Records Set In US

Not a country usually associated with snow, India has experienced severe problems since Saturday when snowfall and a dense blanket of fog began to cause chaos.

Time of Global Cooling


Politics 3 Jan 2010
A Message For The NZ Truth Movement

AUCKLAND — Truth activist, Will Ryan advises that there is a meet-up scheduled for Saturday, January 9th at 2pm in Aotea Square, Ak, outside Starbucks.


Politics 3 Jan 2010
Britain Facing One of Coldest Winters in 100 years, Experts Predict

More bad news for the carbon traders and ETS scammers from the UK Telegraph.

Al Gore failed to convince people of global warming


Health 3 Jan 2010
Chemtrail Spraying In Whangarei In The New Year?

WHANGAREI — There have been reports of chemtrailing taking place in Whangarei, both yesterday and on New Year's day.  Chemtrails are aerosols, sprayed from a plane which leave distinctive trails, quite different from condensation trails, although they are often mistaken for the latter.


Politics 2 Jan 2010
US Politician & Skull & Bonesman, John Kerry, Seen In Whangarei

On December the 31st the Northern Advocate reported that US politician, and Skull and Bonesman, John Kerry, had been seen in casual attire in Whangarei on Tuesday at the town basin, inspecting a multi-million dollar boat, built in Whangarei.

Rumoured to be John Kerry's new boat - the 'Isabel,' moored at the Whangarei Harbour


Politics 1 Jan 2010
Elitists' Agenda To Reduce World Population By "At Least 80%" Revealed On TV in US

The latest episode of Jesse Ventura's hit TV program, Conspiracy Theory, which was about secret societies this week, revealed the elites' agenda to reduce the world population by at least 80%. 


Politics 31 Dec 2009
NZ Listener's First Issue For 2010 Features An Account Of 9/11 That's Been Proven To Be A Lie

The Listener on sale this week – the January 2-8 2010 issue, features a cover story entitled Shock & Awe, with write ups about a series of events that have taken place over the last decade.

Propaganda Alert: Shock & Awe Not Based Upon Factual Information


Health 30 Dec 2009
CCHR: New Zealand Has A Serious Psychotropic Drugging Problem

CCHR By Steve Green.  New Zealand has a serious psychotropic drugging problem.


Politics 30 Dec 2009
Dr Tim Ball: Time to Revisit The Falsified Science of CO2

On December the 16th, Dr Tim Ball, who was a climatology professor at the University of Winnipeg, appeared on a TV program in the US, called Conspiracy Theory in an episode about global warming.


Politics 28 Dec 2009
New Zealand Climate Realists' Wish List For 2010

Sheep and beef farmers, Neil and Esther Henderson of Te Karaka, Gisborne are not your average Kiwi couple.

Political Activists, Neil & Esther Henderson of Gisborne


Politics 28 Dec 2009
877 New Snowfall Records Set Or Tied in the US In the Last Week

And that's not all, for the week ending December the 13th, there were 815 new snowfall records set.


Politics 27 Dec 2009
No Statistically Significant Warming Since 1995: a quick mathematical proof

This is the latest post from WattsUpWithThat, the site that helped to break the historic news about Climategate.

No statistically significant warming since 1995: a quick mathematical proof


Politics 22 Dec 2009
Interview With James Delingpole - Journalist Who Played A Central Role In Exposing The Man-made Global Warming Scam

Today, Alex Jones, host of the most popular radio show on the Internet worldwide,, interviewed James Delingpole, the British journalist who has been authoring articles exposing the man-made global warming fraud, including a number related to the Climategate scandal. 

James Delingpole


Politics 20 Dec 2009
New 'Binding Referendum' Song Released

The smacking referendum was ignored, even though 84.7% had said no! Hear the new Binding Referendum song from BetterDemocracyNZ's and let's say no to tyranny and make referendums binding.


Politics 19 Dec 2009
Record Lows In Japan & Canada, Yet Copenhagen Paved Way For Unelected Bureaucracy On Basis Of Global Warming

While politicians were meeting to discuss an agreement at Copenhagen related to human caused global warming, record low temperatures were set in Japan, as well as in Canada. According to Kyodo News, temperatures fell to -25 in Memuro, central Hokkaido, which is the lowest reading ever recorded in December.

Global government is based upon a lie.


Politics 18 Dec 2009
Lord Monckton On The Alex Jones Show: On Being Assaulted, World Government & More

For those who missed it, the eloquent treaty expert, who was an adviser to Margaret Thatcher, Lord Christopher Monckton was on the Alex Jones show today.


Health 18 Dec 2009
Aspartame Alert: Diet Drinks Cause Kidney Damage

Diet drinks commonly sold in New Zealand, such as diet Coke, Sprite zero and Pepsi Max, amongst many other artifically-sweetened products, contain a toxin called aspartame, which is referred to as Sweetener 951 on the labels.


Politics 18 Dec 2009
Lead Author Admits Deleting Inconvenient Opinions From IPCC Report

What you won't be reading about from the presstitutes at the NZ Herald, or hearing about on Radio NZ, TV1 or TV3:  Global Warming Profiteers Recently Exposed On National Television in the United States, as Jesse Ventura's Show Blows A Giant Hole In Climate Change Fraud.



Politics 17 Dec 2009
Coast FM Poll: Around 87% Don't Buy The Man-Made Global Warming Lie

There is an on-line poll running right now on Coast FM's website regarding global warming, which gives voters three options to choose from, one of which relates to the notion that it is getting hotter and we need to act now.

Carbon Dioxide Is Essential To Life On Earth


Politics 16 Dec 2009
Carbon Taxes To Reduce What? Record Low Temperatures In Canada & Snow in Australia in Summer

While politicians talk of the need for carbon taxes to reduce global temperatures, the weather has been unseasonably cold.  At about 7:00am on Monday, Calgary dipped to minus 32.4 degrees, beating a record set over 100 years ago.  Also, Edmonton International Airport in Canada saw a record low of -46.1 C and -58.4 C with a windchill, outfreezing even the Arctic.

Dees Illustrations


Politics 15 Dec 2009
World Authority On Sea Level, Dr Nils-Axel Mörner Says It Is Not Rising

The sea level is not rising says Dr Nils-Axel Mörner, a Swedish geologist and physicist, who has worked for 40 years in this area, written 190 peer-reviewed scientific papers and was formerly the chairman of the INQUA International Commission on Sea Level Change.

From page 16 of 20 page booklet "THE GREATEST LIE EVER TOLD" by Dr Nils-Axel Mörner and available from him. Email: morner AT


Politics 14 Dec 2009
The New World Order System & Real Function of Copenhagen Meeting Explained

In this two-part video, journalist and documentary film maker, Alex Jones of, explains how and why the New World Order system was established, how it operates and what those behind it aim to achieve.


Politics 13 Dec 2009
UN Security Stops Journalist's Questions About ClimateGate

Infowars A Stanford Professor has used United Nation security officers to silence a journalist asking him “inconvenient questions” during a press briefing at the climate change conference in Copenhagen.


Politics 13 Dec 2009
Copenhagen Framework Demands Huge Spend, But Allows Enron-Style Accounting Tricks So That Carbon Isn't Actually Reduced

Big government is of the scammers, by the scammers and for the scammers.


Politics 12 Dec 2009
Carbon Eugenics: Genocide In The Name Of The Environment Is Still Genocide

Documents leaked at  the UN Climate Change Conference at Copenhagen expose the true intentions of the meeting– a World Government takeover to shut down development in the Third World and dominate the planet through a carbon tax.


Politics 11 Dec 2009
Monckton From Copenhagen: Climategate Will Lead To Demise Of The Carbon Tax Dictatorship

Lord Christopher Monckton, one of those currently exposing the man-made climate fraud at Copenhagen, spoke to Alex Jones today and said the whole air of the conference has the stink of a Nuremberg rally about it, with “Hitler Youth” trying to crush freedom of speech by chanting cult-like environmental mantras like robots.


Politics 10 Dec 2009
Climatologist, Dr Tim Ball Discusses How "Global Warming" Will Be Used To Extract Money Under False Pretenses

Dr Tim F.Ball spoke to Alex Jones of today about how the Copenhagen Treaty will be used to form a global government that will extract money under false pretenses. He draws parallels to what is occurring now with Nazi Germany.


Politics 9 Dec 2009
Lord Monckton Returns to Alex Jones TV To Report On The Scientific Fraud Taking Place At Copenhagen

Alex Jones of welcomes back to the show Lord Christopher Monckton, 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, British politician, business consultant, policy adviser, writer, columnist, inventor and adviser to Margaret Thatcher's policy unit in the 1980s.


Politics 9 Dec 2009
Close Up Viewers Poll Indicates 77% Don't Buy The Man-Made Global Warming Lie

Last night, on TVNZ's popular current affairs program, Close Up, climate change was discussed and the public asked to vote via a text message for whom they deemed the most compelling.


Politics 8 Dec 2009
Lord Monckton Talks About The Climate Change Hoax

The United Nations Climate change conference has opened in the Danish capital Copenhagen.


Politics 7 Dec 2009
The Corbett Report Introduces New Website For Run Up To Copenhagen

James Corbett, the man behind the informative Corbett Report, has launched a new website to help spread the truth about the global government agenda and the man-made climate change hoax, as the Copenhagen crisis approaches.

James Corbett


Politics 7 Dec 2009
Poll Results Show Most Don't Buy Into Man-Made Global Warming Hoax

Today, one of New Zealand's biggest news websites,, is running a poll which asks 'Is climate change human-induced?'


Politics 6 Dec 2009
Wellington "Climate Change" Counter-Protesters Abused & Assaulted

Saturday, December 5th 2009, saw close to 2000 people march on parliament in Wellington, New Zealand to support Prime Minister, John Key flying to Copenhagen to sign our country over to the New World Order and a fascist One World Government, even though Climategate has proven "man-made global warming" is a fraud.

Wellington "Climate Change" Counter-Protesters Abused & Assaulted


Health 5 Dec 2009
Dr Betty Martini Talks About The Artificial Sweetener Known As 951, Aspartame & NutraSweet

Dr Betty Martini spoke to Dr Bill Deagle today about aspartame,  the artificial sweetener, known as 951 on many food and drink labels in New Zealand.  It is in diet drinks, such as diet coke.  It is in chewing gum, and is even an ingredient in some health supplements, yet is highly toxic.

Some Products That May Contain Aspartame.


Politics 4 Dec 2009
Climategate: It's all Unravelling Now?

So many new developments: which story do we pick? Maybe best to summarize, instead.


Politics 3 Dec 2009
Climatologist, Dr Tim Ball Discusses The Leaked E-Mails That Expose The Global Warming Fraud

Retired Canadian climatologist, Dr Tim Ball and Dr Michael Coffman, CEO of Sovereignty International, joined Dr Bill Deagle on his radio show today, to discuss the significance of the e-mails that were leaked from the University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit by a whistleblower, and the political response to these, amongst other issues.


Politics 3 Dec 2009
Lord Christopher Monckton Releases The Definitive Report On ClimateGate

Treaty expert and former adviser to Margaret Thatcher, Lord Christopher Monckton, has written a 42-page report on ClimateGate, which examines the contents of the leaked e-mails and how the climate criminals fudged the data, plus more.


Politics 2 Dec 2009
Wellington Counter Protest: Help To Wake The People Up Who Haven't Yet Heard About Climategate

WELLINGTON CITY — Some of those who still believe the threat of "climate change" is a reality, as they have not been advised about the thousands of leaked e-mails from the University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit, that show "man-made global warming" is a scam, will be meeting on Saturday, the 5th of December at Civic Square in Wellington at 1pm, and marching to parliament.


News 2 Dec 2009
UN Documents Outline Plan To Use Climategate Crooks In "End Run" Around National Sovereignty

By Paul Joseph Watson, Prisonplanet Shocking newly uncovered UN strategy documents reveal how elitists are recruiting members of academia from all over the globe in an effort to hide the "end-run" around national sovereignty that their agenda represents.


Politics 1 Dec 2009
Richard Gage's Auckland Presentation Silences The Debunkers

On Monday, the 30th of November, Richard Gage of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, gave his final presentation in New Zealand on The Hard Evidence Down Under Tour, to an audience of 143 in Auckland, at the Trades Hall in Grey Lynn.


Media 1 Dec 2009
Mainstream TV News Finally Refers To Climategate

Climategate was mentioned in the mainstream TV news, but only referred to briefly during a report on TV3 last night.  A story regarding the liklihood that Prime Minister John Key will go to Copenhagen to sign the UN Treaty, mentioned that a scandal has challenged climate science.


Politics 30 Nov 2009

By James Corbett,  Just as the oligarchs are moving to consolidate their power in a new global governmental scheme based on the man-made climate change scare, their fraud has been exposed.


Politics 30 Nov 2009
The Copenhagen Saga

By Dr Muriel Newman,  From the 7th of December through to the 18th, the much publicised United Nations Climate Change Conference will be held in Copenhagen, Denmark.


Politics 29 Nov 2009
Monckton On Climategate - The Evidence That Shows Global Warming Is A Fraud

In this interview, which addresses this serious matter, not being mentioned by the mainstream media in New Zealand, Alex Jones of talks to Lord Christopher Monckton, a treaty expert and former science adviser to British PM Margaret Thatcher, about the vast body of evidence that has surfaced which proves "man-made global warming" is a fraud.


Media 28 Nov 2009
Richard Gage Of AE911Truth Given Fair Go On TVNZ's Close Up

On Friday the 27th of November, Richard Gage of Architects & Engineers For 9/11 Truth, had another major breakthrough in the mainstream media in New Zealand, and it was his biggest one yet. He had a six minute interview on TV ONE's Close Up, which is New Zealand's most popular daily current affairs programme.


Politics 27 Nov 2009
Number of Australian MPs To Have Resigned Over Carbon Tax Scam Up To 13

Thirteen frontbenchers and other office holders have now tendered their resignations over Mr Turnbull's support for the Government's emissions trading scheme, in the most dramatic withdrawal of support for a leader seen in recent times.


Politics 27 Nov 2009
Richard Gage of AE911Truth On Close Up Tonight

Richard Gage will be on Close Up tonight with Mike Hosking for 6 minutes. Two minutes of the Blueprint for Truth DVD trailer will be shown. Close Up is on TV1 and starts at 7 pm.


Politics 27 Nov 2009
Climategate: 5 Aussie MPs Resign In Disgust Over Carbon Tax

Australia is leading the revolt against Al Gore's great big AGW conspiracy – just as the Aussie geologist and AGW sceptic Professor Ian Plimer predicted it would.


Environment 27 Nov 2009
New Zealand Climate Data Shows Clear Evidence Of Fraud

Why do people talk about "global warming" when New Zealand had its coldest October in 64 years?  Not surprisingly, the raw data in New Zealand tells a different story than the "official" one.  The NIWA climate controversy took a new twist with the release of new data from the government run climate agency.


Politics 25 Nov 2009
Will Ryan Of NZ911Truth On Richard Gage's New Zealand Visit

In this YouTube clip, Will Ryan of NZ911Truth, who has organised Richard Gage's upcoming presentation in Auckland, talks about the event and the shoddy conduct of a number in the media, in regard to the 9/11 Truth Movement.


News 25 Nov 2009
Greenpeace Leader Admits Organization Put Out Fake Global Warming Data

Greenpeace leader Gerd Leipold has been forced to admit that his organization issued misleading and exaggerated information when it claimed that Arctic ice would disappear completely by 2030, in a crushing blow for the man-made global warming movement.


News 24 Nov 2009
Call For Independent Inquiry As Global Warming Fraud Implodes

This issue should be front page headlines in the mainstream media in New Zealand, given the implications of attempting to impose a tax on the people of this country on the basis of a fraud.  


Politics 23 Nov 2009
Global Warming Meltdown: Climategate!

The machine of mass media is working in overdrive now, as the Copenhagen summit is drawing near. 


News 22 Nov 2009
Richard Gage's Wellington Presentation Gets Biggest Blueprint For Truth Audience Ever

The Hard Evidence Tour Down Under hit a high note on Saturday afternoon at the Te Papa Museum in Wellington, when over 650 turned up to hear Richard Gage, the spokesperson for Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, (AE911Truth), talk about what really happened to World Trade Centre (WTC) 1, 2, and 7 on 9/11.


News 20 Nov 2009
Richard Gage On Radio NZ On Saturday Morning

Richard Gage, who is in New Zealand now,  will be on the Kim Hill show at 9.05am Saturday, the 21st of November.  For those who miss the show, there will be a link at the RadioNZ site to enable you to hear it afterwards.


Politics 19 Nov 2009
Fair & Balanced Article in Wellington Paper About Richard Gage & 9/11

There is a full-page article about Richard Gage of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth in this week's edition of the Wellington paper, The Capital Times, which is described by Wellingtonian 9/11 truth activist, Helen Waddington, as "Absolutely fantastic!"


Politics 9 Nov 2009
Helen Clark Pushes Threat Of Global Warming To Justify UN's Tyrannical Treaty

On Sunday the 8th of November, Paul Holmes interviewed former New Zealand Prime Minister, Helen Clark, the UN Development Programme Head on TVNZ's Q + A.


Economy 2 Nov 2009
Aucklander Takes Stand Against The Central Banking System

Brian Reiersen, a 64-year-old Auckland bus driver, who formally owned a range of successful businesses, has started taking action against what he regards as an outrageous scam which has dragged the New Zealand economy into an abyss.


Politics 19 Oct 2009
Climate Meeting In Copenhagen John Key To Attend Really About Signing Treaty To Impose Marxist World Government

What is being billed in the mainstream media as the most important climate meeting in history, is, in reality, important in quite a different sense.


Health 16 Oct 2009
Drinking From Plastic Made With Bisphenol A Increases Levels of Hormone-disrupting Chemical Found in Urine By Nearly 70%

(NaturalNews) By David Gutierrez  Drinking water from plastic bottles made with the toxic chemical bisphenol A (BPA) increases urinary levels of the chemical by nearly 70 percent, according to a study conducted by researchers from Harvard University and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Health 15 Oct 2009
Flu Vaccines Revealed As The Greatest Quackery Ever Pushed in History Of Medicine

(NaturalNews) By Mike Adams    Prepare to have your world rocked.