Labour Party

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Joined December 2008
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Economy 3 May 2011
Quake recovery won't be helped by selling local assets

CANTERBURY — Canterbury ratepayer assets must not be sold to help fund the quake recovery, say Christchurch MPs Clayton Cosgrove and Brendon Burns.


Health 3 May 2011
$80 doctor's bill for 94-year-old shows Ryall has priorities wrong

Reports that a 94-year-old woman, with a community services card, was charged $80 to attend an after-hours clinic on Good Friday are a sign that Tony Ryall and the National-ledGovernment have their priorities in health all wrong, Labour Spokesperson on Health Grant Robertson saidtoday.


Diplomacy 3 May 2011
Death of Osama bin Laden makes the world a safer place

Labour Leader Phil Goff has welcomed confirmation from US President Barack Obama that American forces have killed the terrorist Osama bin Laden during a raid in Pakistan.


Pharmacy 3 May 2011
Essential medicines must remain affordable for sick Kiwis

Unwell Kiwis would be the losers if New Zealand were to fall over in the face of the predictable attack from United States pharmaceutical companies gearing up for the next round of negotiations in the Trans-Pacific Partnership, says Labour's Trade Spokesperson, Maryan Street and Labour Associate Health Spokesperson Iain Lees-Galloway.


Politics 2 May 2011
English under threat month out from crucial budget

Finance Minister Bill English now has a threat hanging over his future in the form of ACT leader Don Brash while he is less than a month out from delivering a budget that is crucial to New Zealand’s future, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Cunliffe.


Politics 29 Apr 2011
Cuts to vital safety nets for women and children a sad day for New Zealand

Deep government cuts to vital safety nets and anti-violence services put vulnerable women and children in the path of real harm, says Labour Deputy Leader and Social Policy spokesperson Annette King Front-line organisations are growing increasingly concerned about government cuts to the sector.


Transport 29 Apr 2011
National's 'highway tunnel' vision flawed and fatal

National’s blind preoccupation with building tarseal highway monuments to Transport Minister Steven Joyce will come at the expense of public transport, road policing and maintenance on local roads, says Labour’s Transport spokesperson Shane Jones.


Politics 29 Apr 2011
Key/Brash extreme team will hurt mainstream New Zealand

A new extreme right-wing deal between National and an Act party led by Don Brash would have a devastating impact on the lives of middle and low-income New Zealanders, says Labour Leader Phil Goff.


Finance 29 Apr 2011
National lets loan sharks off the hook again

National has missed another opportunity to hold loan sharks to account, says Labour’s Consumer Affairs spokesperson Carol Beaumont.


Politics 27 Apr 2011
Government neglects women in violent situations

Despite an increasing number of women and children relying on safe houses, the Government continues to justify cuts to domestic violence programmes, says Labour’s Women’s Affairs spokesperson Carol Beaumont and Victims’ Rights spokesperson Carmel Sepuloni.


Politics 27 Apr 2011
When the Government goes shopping

Governments do a lot of shopping.


Internet 27 Apr 2011
Qualified support for industry broadband solution if it benefits consumers

Labour today announced qualified support for a compromise solution suggested by the telecommunication industry to the impasse over the Government’s controversial broadband scheme, says Labour’s Communications and IT spokesperson Clare Curran.


Politics 26 Apr 2011
Food bank crisis the priority, not chopper rides

Labour Deputy Leader and Social Policy spokesperson Annette King is urging the Government to help food banks who are facing a crisis with a huge increase in the demand for food parcels.


Court 21 Apr 2011
Slashing Family Court costs will hurt children

Labour’s Courts spokesperson Rick Barker says that the Government’s proposal to cut costs from the Family Court is deeply concerning.


Internet 21 Apr 2011
Public must be reassured on broadband deals

An independent review of the Government’s broadband deals must be undertaken urgently following serious conflict of interest allegations against its top adviser on broadband, says Labour’s Communications and IT spokesperson.


Employment 18 Apr 2011
New Zealand Faces Crisis in Skills Shortage

A severe shortage of skilled labour in the building and construction sector will slow recovery and force up prices and the cost of rebuilding Canterbury in the wake of the quake, says Labour Leader Phil Goff.


Politics 14 Apr 2011
Copyright( Infringing File Sharing) Amendment Bill

I have mixed feelings about this Bill coming before the House today.


Migration 14 Apr 2011
Jump in Kiwis flying permanently to Australia

The news that 3908 Kiwis headed across the ditch in February looking for higher paying jobs is an indictment on the National Government and its utter failure to grow our economy, says Labour Leader Phil Goff.


Legal 14 Apr 2011
Legal aid reforms threaten quality access to justice

Legal aid reforms announced by the Government today threaten the access of Kiwis to justice, says Labour’s Justice spokesperson Charles Chauvel.


Politics 12 Apr 2011
Smug Key laughs off questions about heated seats

Prime Minister John Key’s flippant dismissal of questions about the ministerial BMW with heated seats in Dunedin shows how arrogant he has become about the plight struggling Kiwi families find themselves in, says Labour’s Internal Affairs spokesperson Chris Hipkins.


Politics 12 Apr 2011
Erratic English loses plot on wages

Finance Minister Bill English has lost the plot, pushing the case for New Zealand to be a low-wage economy, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Cunliffe.


Food 11 Apr 2011
Government refuses to act as healthy food gets out of reach

The National Government is standing on the sidelines as healthy food becomes too expensive for many families, says Grant Robertson Labour’s spokesperson for Health.


Food 11 Apr 2011
Inquiry now needed for reassurance

The Commerce Commission should proceed with its proposal to investigate the domestic pricing of milk in the New Zealand market, says Labour’s spokesperson for Agriculture Damien O’Connor.


Business 7 Apr 2011
PM must ensure Pike River fronts up

WEST COAST — Pike River has an obligation to front up to the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the terrible tragedy that took the lives of 29 miners and the Prime Minister should ensure that happens, says West Coast Labour MP Damien O’Connor.


Finance 7 Apr 2011
Labour backs need for AMI support package

Labour supports the need to provide certainty for the 85,000 Cantabrians who may have been worrying about whether their claims for earthquake damage would be paid out by AMI,and it hopes the Government support package will provide that.


Media 7 Apr 2011
Demise of NZPA tragic blow for Kiwi journalism

The announcement that the New Zealand Press Association (NZPA) will close after more than 130 years is a tragic blow for New Zealand journalism and the agency’s staff, says Labour’s Communications spokesperson Clare Curran.


Media 6 Apr 2011
Commerce Commission inquiry could give Kiwis more choice and drive competition

There is finally hope that New Zealand consumers might get a wider choice of broadcast content through traditional and new media via high speed broadband following today’s announcement by the Commerce Commission, Labour’s communications and IT spokesperson Clare Curran said today.


Food 6 Apr 2011
Mental health linked to food costs

Research from the University of Otago linking psychological distress with the increasing unaffordability of safe, nutritious food must be heeded, says Labour’s Associate Health spokesperson Iain Lees-Galloway.


Employment 6 Apr 2011
Key, Bennett fail to understand people want jobs

CANTERBURY — Labour’s Canterbury Earthquake Recovery spokesperson Clayton Cosgrove says Prime Minister John Key and Social Development Minister Paula Bennett are cruelly missing the point in terms of Canterbury people who lose their jobs in the wake of the earthquakes.


Finance 6 Apr 2011
English must resign over SCF mishandling

National’s mishandling of the South Canterbury Finance collapse is a disaster of epic proportions and Finance Minister Bill English must resign, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Cunliffe.


Politics 6 Apr 2011
Changes to Labour caucus announced

Labour Leader Phil Goff has appointed Sue Moroney and David Shearer as the party’s new Education spokespeople.


Politics 5 Apr 2011
National set to drive us deeper into recession

Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Cunliffe says the government accounts released today make it even clearer that National will use the economic impact of the Christchurch earthquakes to justify savage cuts to public spending in this year’s budget.


Politics 5 Apr 2011
National can no longer ignore rising hardship

Working families and the elderly are among growing numbers of New Zealanders floating on a rising tide of hardship while the Government sits back apparently helpless, Labour Deputy Leader Annette King says.


Politics 25 Mar 2011
Darren Hughes to resign

Labour Leader Phil Goff today announced that Darren Hughes has advised him he will be resigning from Parliament.


Employment 9 Mar 2011
Investment in trade training critical to Canterbury rebuild

Labour Leader Phil Goff is calling on the Government to take immediate action to get people into training for trades like building, plumbing, plastering and drain-laying so we have the skilled workforce needed to rebuild Canterbury.


Agriculture 8 Oct 2010
National sells off our biggest slice of dairy land

The Government says it is tightening up on sales of farmland to foreign owners, but is allowing the biggest ever sale of dairy land to Harvard University, underlining the lack of clear, strong rules on foreign ownership of our land, says Labour Agricultural spokesperson Damien O’Connor.


Employment 8 Oct 2010
Australian jobs success shames woeful National

The thriving employment situation in Australia continues to shame the National Government’s woeful economic performance in New Zealand, says Labour Finance spokesperson David Cunliffe.


Economy 8 Oct 2010
National celebrates falling wages

National’s Women’s Affairs spokesperson Pansy Wong yesterday bizarrely celebrated the fact that wages in New Zealand are falling, Labour Women’s Affairs spokesperson Sue Moroney says.


Education 8 Oct 2010
Taskforce to lead to more cost cutting in ECE

National’s Early Childhood Education taskforce is designed to further increase costs for families, says Labour Spokesperson for Early Childhood Education Sue Moroney.


Economy 8 Oct 2010
Income survey another 'kick in the guts'

The latest official income survey results are another ‘kick in the guts’ for low-income New Zealanders, says Labour Leader Phil Goff.


Environment 7 Oct 2010
E-day patch-up good news, but serious questions remain

Labour has welcomed the announcement that 2010's e-day will go ahead, but says it leaves Nick Smith with many serious questions to answer.


Government 6 Oct 2010
Witch hunts show government's shambolic handling to blame

The long awaited inquiries into leaking of government plans around mining of the conservation estate and the merger of government agencies have failed to find anyone responsible, and show that the Government's management of these issues was a total shambles, Labour State Services Spokesperson Grant Robertson says.


Employment 6 Oct 2010
Key grasps the straw of summer

First it was the national cycleway, and now it is the prospect of summer that is fuelling Prime Minister John Key’s optimism for economic recovery, says Labour Finance spokesperson David Cunliffe.


Council 28 Sep 2010
Job cut announcement shabby says Labour

AUCKLAND — Labour's Auckland Issues spokesperson Phil Twyford says the Government's Auckland Transition Agency has treated Council staff shabbily by announcing hundreds of job losses in the media before notifying staff personally.


Building 23 Sep 2010
Neighbours of Westfield St Lukes get a raw deal

AUCKLAND CITY — Neighbours of Westfield St Lukes have been given a raw deal over a decision allowing the mall to more than double its floor size says MP for Mt Albert David Shearer.


Conservation 1 Sep 2010
Conservation Minister needs to start doing her job

Conservation Minister Kate Wilkinson needs to start taking her role as an advocate for New Zealand's natural heritage seriously, Charles Chauvel says.


Politics 19 Aug 2010
Government has no plan to help Kiwis save for retirement

New Zealand Superannuitants want leadership, not another committee from a Government that has belatedly come to the realisation that Kiwis need to save more for retirement, says Labour’s Spokesperson for Senior Citizens Ross Robertson.


Politics 16 Aug 2010
'Super city' tabloid referred to Auditor General

AUCKLAND CITY — Labour Auckland Issues spokesperson Phil Twyford has referred the Auckland Transition Agency tabloid newspaper ‘Auckland: Your Council.


Employment 5 Aug 2010
Trade Me jobs for sale for 90 days

Six jobs advertised on Trade Me and another on Seek blatantly break the existing 90 day trial law, proving that the Prime Minister’s claim that employers are using the law responsibly is rubbish, says Darien Fenton, Labour’s Associate spokesperson for labour issues.


Employment 20 Jul 2010
"Fire at will" could put new Super City staff under the hammer

Thousands of Aucklanders due to enter into new work contracts with the Super city in November could find themselves denied employment rights under the Government's new fire at will law, Labour's Auckland Issues spokesperson Phil Twyford said today.


Conservation 20 Jul 2010
Back-down humiliating for Key

Despite Prime Minister John Key’s best efforts to pass the buck, today’s back-down on mining in schedule four land is humiliating for him and his cabinet colleagues, Labour Leader Phil Goff says.


Politics 14 May 2010
Concerns for seniors as Budget Day looms

With nearly 60 percent of elderly reliant solely on Superannuation, concerns are growing about what the Budget will hold for them, Labour Senior Citizens spokesperson Ross Robertson says.


Corrections 14 May 2010
Judge takes hot air out of three strikes debate

Judge Eugene Hyman, of the Superior Court of California, has provided real insights into the way the three strikes law is working in practice in that state, says Labour Law and Order spokesperson Clayton Cosgrove.


Politics 14 May 2010
Key's "can't do" Kiwi attitude

The directive given to KiwiRail to look for an offshore supplier to build the rolling stock required for Auckland’s rail network proves John Key is running a Government with a “can’t do” attitude, Labour’s Transport spokesperson Darren Hughes said today.


Education 14 May 2010
University doors closing signals an end to the smart economy

The failure of Steven Joyce to allocate adequate funding to tertiary institutions signals the end to all aspirations for New Zealand to grow through a smart economy, says Maryan Street, Labour’s Spokesperson on Tertiary Education.


Finance 13 May 2010
Beaumont urges MP's to support loan shark Bill

Labour's spokesperson for Consumer Affairs Carol Beaumont urged New Zealanders to write to National MP’s asking them to support her private members Bill, the Credit Reform (Responsible Lending) Bill, during its first reading which is to take place in two weeks time.


Politics 13 May 2010
Clarification sought from sleeping watchdog

“Parents of Monte Cecilia school, local residents and the wider community will be appalled to hear that the Auckland Transition Agency (ATA) does not seem to consider expenditure of up to $30 million dollars to have a significant negative impact on the assets and liabilities that are to be transferred to the new Auckland Council” said Labour MP Carol Beaumont.


Politics 22 Apr 2010
Brownlee reforms will end up costing taxpayers

Warnings today by a major ratings agency that a key aspect of the Government's proposed electricity reforms will pile costs onto taxpayers are a real concern, Labour’s Energy spokesperson Charles Chauvel says.


Employment 21 Apr 2010
No plan for employment as Christchurch bleeds jobs

CHRISTCHURCH — The latest indicated job losses in Christchurch at Telstra Clear’s call centre are part of a jobs haemorrhage that the Government has no plan to address, says Christchurch Central MP Brendon Burns.


Politics 12 Apr 2010
Key's whaling plan going nowhere

Korea’s demand to be allowed the option of whaling if Japan is granted the right to limited commercial whaling, Japan’s vehement insistence that it will never give up whaling, and Australia’s condemnation of New Zealand’s proposal appear to have sunk Prime Minister John Key’s grand plan to end Japanese whaling in the Southern Ocean, Labour’s Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Chris Carter says.


Politics 12 Apr 2010
Media censorship a step backwards for Fiji

Labour’s Foreign Affairs Spokesperson, Chris Carter, says a draconian new media censorship proposal in Fiji marks another step backwards in the restoration of genuine democracy in Fiji.


Politics 8 Apr 2010
Kiwis still in the dark about Whanau Ora

  The Whanau Ora Taskforce report released today – two months late – contains no new information on how the policy will be funded or delivered, Labour’s acting social development spokesperson Ruth Dyson says.


Politics 8 Apr 2010
New Zealand's leadership needed in nuclear disarmament

A huge opportunity exists for New Zealand to show leadership in promoting nuclear disarmament in a new environment created by President Obama, Labour Leader Phil Goff said today.


Politics 30 Mar 2010
Urgent legislation will undermine outstanding rivers

CANTERBURY — The National Government, already embroiled in controversy over mining in national parks, is today passing legislation that will substantially undermine water conservation orders in Canterbury, says Labour Conservation spokesperson David Parker.


Council 30 Mar 2010
Firing of council an outrageous affront to democracy and Canterbury voters

CANTERBURY — National’s decision to replace the Environment Canterbury Council with government-appointed commissioners for the next three-and-a-half years is an outrageous affront to democracy, says Christchurch Central MP Brendon Burns.


Politics 30 Mar 2010
National rushed 'Smartgate' into action for a Photo Op

Official documents have revealed the Government rushed the "Smartgate" electronic passport control system into New Zealand’s airports against the advice of three Government departments, Labour’s customs spokesperson Su’a William Sio said today.


Energy 30 Mar 2010
Govt short sighted on smart meters

CHRISTCHURCH — Meridian Energy's decision to axe its trial in Christchurch of how smart meters can help save power is short-sighted, the Labour Party says.


Education 29 Mar 2010
National Standards- a potential risk for ECE

Labour Spokesperson for Early Childhood Education, Sue Moroney said today that she shared the concerns of the NZEI Te Riu Roa forum regarding the negative impact national standards may have on early childhood education.


Politics 28 Mar 2010
Archives and Library merger does not stack up

The Government's proposal to merge Archives New Zealand and the National Library into the Department of Internal Affairs could save as little as $165,000 a year, while seeing more than a dozen jobs go, and risking compromising key components of our democratic infrastructure, Grant Robertson Labour State Services Spokesperson said.


Politics 27 Mar 2010
More dodgy dealings from National?

National needs to come clean about the promises it made to the mining industry before the 2008 election on digging up our protected Schedule 4 land, says Labour Leader Phil Goff.


Politics 17 Mar 2010
National tinkers while Kiwis suffer and toil

More evidence of Kiwi’s distrust of National’s plans to hike GST have been unearthed in the latest Westpac consumer confidence survey, Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Cunliffe said today.


Politics 15 Mar 2010
Government report on mining must be released now

The Government needs to release its report on where it thinks more mining should be allowed in the conservation estate now, so the public can see for themselves just what it is planning, Labour Conservation spokesperson David Parker says.


Politics 15 Mar 2010
Labour MP Objects to Politicised Pasefika

AUCKLAND — Labour MP Objects to Auckland City Council’s Blatant Breach of Political Neutrality at Pasefika Festival Auckland City Council officials have woefully breached political neutrality by issuing instructions to Pasefika village organisers that Labour MPs not be allowed on the main village stages, says Labour MP for Mangere Su’a William Sio.


Politics 6 Aug 2009
Keisha deserves an apology from PM

National’s embarrassment over John Key’s dismissive put-down of Keisha Castle-Hughes’ climate change stance was obvious in Parliament today, says Labour’s Climate Change spokepeson Charles Chauvel.


Earthquakes 16 Jul 2009
Sepuloni acknowledges Civil Defence in Southland

SOUTHLAND — Labour Civil Defence spokesperson Carmel Sepuloni today thanked Civil Defence staff in Southland for their prompt response to last night’s earthquake measuring a magnitude of 7.8 on the Richter scale.


Politics 3 Jun 2009
Englishs rejection of SSC advice on purchase advisers totally cynical

Government rejection of official advice to pay $2000-a-day private purchase advisers like Graeme Scott out of ministerial funds shows how far National is down the track of politicising the public service, says Labour Internal Affairs spokesperson Chris Hipkins.


Politics 3 Jun 2009
New Zealand rated most peaceful nation

New Zealand has been named the world's most peaceful nation by an international think tank; this is a credit to nine years of Labour Government under former Prime Minister Helen Clark Labour Associate Foreign Affairs spokesperson Phil Twyford says.


Employment 3 Jun 2009
Workers should be very afraid

Workers should be very, very afraid about the Government’s decision to review the Holidays Act given its track record to date, says the Labour Party’s Labour Spokesperson Trevor Mallard.


Politics 3 Jun 2009
Key lacks leadership

The inevitable resignation of Dr Richard Worth has occurred several months too late, Labour Leader Phil Goff said today.


Politics 4 May 2009
David Shearer selected for Mt Albert by-election

AUCKLAND CITY — David Shearer has been selected as the Labour Party candidate for the Mt Albert by-election, Labour President Andrew Little announced today.


Politics 4 May 2009
David Shearer Curriculum Vitae

AUCKLAND CITY — Click on the link below to view Mt Albert by-election candidate David Shearer's CV.


Government 24 Mar 2009
Labour welcomes UN decision on Aung San Suu Kyi

Labour welcomed the release today of the decision of the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention that the on-going house arrest of Burmese democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi is illegal under both international and Burmese law.


Police 23 Mar 2009
Collins should explain police actions, says Goff

Police Minister Judith Collins must explain why the Police made submissions on behalf of a man facing sentence on serious criminal charges, says Labour Leader Phil Goff.


Politics 23 Mar 2009
Prime Minister fails to answer basic questions on the economy

Prime Minister John Key seemed stumped by the most basic questions on jobs today  unable to say how many are being cut by government or retained by the 9 day fortnight Labour Finance Spokesperson David Cunliffe said.