Labour Party

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Marine 3 Apr 2012
Can't get much more urgent than this, Ministers

Note to Kate Wilkinson and David Carter from Ruth Dyson, Labour Conservation spokesperson: There are only 55 Maui's dolphins left, in total, on the planet.


Politics 2 Apr 2012
John Key's radio stunt broke electoral law

Labour acknowledges the police decision not to lay charges against RadioLive for the Prime Minister’s pre-election radio stunt but we continue to agree with the Electoral Commission that the programme broke electoral law, says Labour’s Deputy Leader Grant Robertson.


Politics 27 Feb 2012
Standing up for New Zealand

David Shearer Grey Power, North Shore 24 February 2012 When I stood for the Labour leadership, I promised change and renewal, and I stand by that.


Politics 27 Feb 2012
Victim safety should be priority if bail reform to mean anything

Labour is backing calls by Auckland’s Marceau family for a review of the bail system.


Politics 27 Feb 2012
'Smarter, faster, fairer' – what a joke

Housing New Zealand is the latest victim of National’s love affair with call centres, says Labour’s Housing spokesperson Annette King.


Politics 27 Feb 2012
Nick Smith misleads public on local government

Local Government Minister Nick Smith has been working up a case over the past few weeks to undermine local government in New Zealand, but a leaked document obtained by Labour shows his campaign is based on bodgie figures, says Labour’s Local Government spokesperson Annette King.


Politics 27 Feb 2012
KiwiFM deal a dodgy asset sale

The National Government appears to have conducted a secret and possibly illegal sale of a Crown asset by allowing Mediaworks to reduce the local content on the KiwiFM frequencies and move to become commercial, says Labour’s broadcasting spokesperson Clare Curran.


Politics 27 Feb 2012
Transparency needed over ministers private email use

John Key needs to clarify why official correspondence is bypassing ministers’ work email accounts and going to private email addresses, which lack both the security and accountability required for government business, says Labour’s State Services spokesperson Chris Hipkins.


Court 25 Feb 2012
Labour lukewarm on latest proposal for courts

Addressing fundamental drivers of crime --- including alcohol abuse --- in a comprehensive and non-partisan way would do much more in the long run to fix the justice system than tinkering with the operation of courts, says Labour's Justice spokesperson Charles Chauvel.


Health 25 Feb 2012
DHBs must do more despite funding diminishing

Waikato DHB has today described what is probably happening in all DHBs right now as they try to fit new government directives into their baseline funding, says Labour’s Health spokesperson Maryan Street.


Politics 25 Feb 2012
Care a little more about older Kiwis, Dr Smith

Local Government Minister Nick Smith should spend less time obsessing about his own legacy, and more time on ensuring older New Zealanders get the assistance they need now to pay their rates, says Labour's spokesperson for Local Government Annette King.


Defence 25 Feb 2012
Defence Force crying out for morale boost

The Government’s mishandling of Defence Force restructuring has resulted in troop morale hitting an all-time low, Labour’s Defence Spokesperson Iain Lees-Galloway says According to the latest NZDF On-going Attitude Survey, morale is worse now than at any time since the survey began eight years ago.


Employment 25 Feb 2012
Cut, sell, hope strategy from Government sees unemployment rise

WELLINGTON — The Government must take its share of responsibility for figures released today that show unemployment has hit a sixteen year high in the Wellington Region, says Labour Deputy Leader and Wellington Central MP Grant Robertson.


News 25 Feb 2012
Auckland Council demand on ports unrealistic

Labour’s Transport spokesperson Phil Twyford says Auckland Council is dreaming if it thinks it can squeeze a 12 per cent return out of the Ports of Auckland.


Internet 25 Feb 2012
New ICT Minister puts big business before consumers

New ICT Minister Amy Adams’ disregard of pleas to introduce a shared regulatory environment across the telco and broadcasting sectors is a slap in the face for Kiwi consumers, says Labour’s ICT and Broadcasting spokesperson Clare Curran.


Gambling 25 Feb 2012
Convention Centre decision should be a no-brainer

Bartering for economic gains and playing favourites with corporations is not the role of responsible government says Labour’s Internal Affairs spokesperson Ruth Dyson.


Internet 25 Feb 2012
Stephen Fry just saying what we all think

Actor Stephen Fry should be congratulated for putting the cat among the pigeons at the same time this country’s leading stakeholders are meeting to discuss the future of ‘high speed’ broadband in New Zealand, Labour’s Communications and IT spokesperson Clare Curran says.


Health 25 Feb 2012
Pressure increasing on cash-strapped health sector

WAIKATO — Confirmation that Waikato DHB will have to cut $25m from next year’s budget is further evidence that Government under-funding of the health sector is set to have an impact across the country, says Labour’s Health spokesperson Maryan Street.


Politics 16 Feb 2012
Mindless cost-cutting won't improve public service efficiency

Slashing budgets without looking at the impact it has on frontline services for Kiwis isn’t smart and restructuring just for the sake of it can create more cost and inefficiency, says Labour’s State Services spokesperson Chris Hipkins.


Politics 16 Feb 2012
Key misleads about role in radio show

John Key today tried to downplay his role and the role of his office in the Radio Live show "The PM’s Hour" despite emails that show his office decided who would be on the programme, re-wrote the brief for the show and provided the language seeking an opinion from the Electoral Commission on the legality of the show, Labour’s Deputy Leader Grant Robertson says.


Legal 16 Feb 2012
Same protections for all first responders

Confirmation by Justice Minister Judith Collins that the same legal standard should apply to on-the-job assaults against all emergency first responders, not just a select few, will ease the concerns of many working on the front line, Labour’s Justice spokesperson Charles Chauvel says.


Technology 16 Feb 2012
Technology essential for democratic debate

News that New Zealand’s first deaf MP has been told that she will have to pay for technology that will allow her to fully participate in Parliament is totally unacceptable, Labour’s Disability spokesperson Clare Curran says.


News 16 Feb 2012
MP to attend review of the ICC conference

Ross Robertson, Labour MP for Manukau East and Assistant Speaker, will attend the Justice for All (10 Year Review of the ICC) Conference in Sydney this week, in his role as President of Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA).


Transport 14 Feb 2012
Transport funding needs leadership not nitpicking

A robust debate on the funding of Auckland’s transport infrastructure is long overdue, but must not be undermined by petty nitpicking, says Labour’s Transport spokesperson Phil Twyford.


Earthquakes 14 Feb 2012
Residents last to know

CHRISTCHURCH — Latest zoning decisions announced by the Government leave families in Southshore in limbo again, says Labour’s Earthquake Recovery spokesperson Lianne Dalziel.


Politics 14 Feb 2012
Parker vs Brownlee: Sideshow or showdown

CHRISTCHURCH — The awkward ‘make-up, break-up’ relationship between the Government and the Christchurch City Council is putting unnecessary stress on Cantabrians, says Labour’s Earthquake Recovery spokesperson Lianne Dalziel.


Politics 11 Feb 2012
Perceptions of interference and cronyism abhorrent

Any perception of government interference in broadcasting is an abhorrence, says Labour’s Broadcasting spokesperson Clare Curran.


Politics 11 Feb 2012
Wellington and New Zealand loses a man of passion

The death today of Wellington businessman, philanthropist and campaigner Lloyd Morrison is a significant loss to the city and New Zealand at large, says Labour’s Deputy Leader and Wellington Central MP Grant Robertson.


Politics 11 Feb 2012
Key should be held accountable for free political hit

John Key should be held accountable for his decision to host an hour long pre-election radio show against advice from officials who warned extreme care should be taken, says Labour’s Deputy Leader Grant Robertson.


Politics 11 Feb 2012
Government has eyes wide shut

National is continuing to distance itself from a party official’s involvement in programmes with political implications, despite admitting that the Broadcasting Minister is in fact accountable for the inappropriate behaviour of NZ on Air board members, Labour’s Broadcasting spokesperson Clare Curran says.


Politics 11 Feb 2012
PM can't duck this one; McElrea needs to go

The involvement of a National Party official, closely linked to the Prime Minister, in making decisions about a taxpayer-funded documentary on Whanau Ora - a controversial government initiative - demonstrates high level political cronyism and interference, Labour’s Broadcasting spokesperson Clare Curran says.


Politics 11 Feb 2012
Smith's bragging can't hide clear breach of Act

In a feeble attempt to bolster National’s half-baked efforts to recover costs over the grounding of the Rena, Nick Smith has clearly breached the Resource Management Act, says Labour Deputy Leader and Environment spokesperson Grant Robertson.


Politics 8 Feb 2012
National's motorway projects poor quality spending

Billions of dollars allocated to state highways is now confirmed as ‘poor quality spending’, says Labour’s Transport spokesperson Phil Twyford.


Politics 8 Feb 2012
Illegal laser use endangers pilots and travellers

The unlawful targeting of aircraft by reckless laser users is endangering the safety of both pilots and travellers, says Labour’s Transport Safety spokesperson Iain Lees-Galloway.


Politics 8 Feb 2012
Treasury catches the Government out again

The Treasury has caught the Government out once again with its briefing paper revealing that National is considering plans to increase class sizes, says Labour’s Associate Education spokesperson Chris Hipkins.


Politics 8 Feb 2012
NZ on Air back in spotlight

The role of NZ on Air is back in the spotlight with intense public scrutiny expected over the appointment of its new chair, and questions about its ability to perform its statutory functions being raised, says Labour’s Broadcasting spokesperson Clare Curran.


Politics 8 Feb 2012
Unemployment casts dark shadow over Lantern Festival

The annual Lantern Festival should be a time when the Asian community rejoices, yet this year’s celebration looks set to be anything but with the spotlight on the rising numbers of unemployed, says Labour List MP Raymond Huo.


Politics 4 Feb 2012
Road use falling yet roading a major priority

The Government’s ‘roads of national significance’ are tipped to become increasingly insignificant as high oil prices take their toll on road use, Labour’s Transport spokesperson Phil Twyford says.


Politics 3 Feb 2012
Adams' ICT intentions shrouded in secrecy

Extraordinary secrecy surrounds decisions new Information Technology Minister Amy Adams faces in the next six months, calling into question her judgement and her Government’s arrogance and lack of transparency, says Labour’s ICT spokesperson Clare Curran.


Politics 3 Feb 2012
Treasury BIM exposes National's shortcomings

The Treasury’s briefing paper underlines the poverty of National’s ‘recipe’ for economic recovery in New Zealand, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker.


Politics 2 Feb 2012
National shows true colours on SOE sales

A plan by John Key to entice corporate and foreign buyers into snapping up shares in our power companies and Air New Zealand has been exposed in an accidentally-released Treasury document, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Politics 2 Feb 2012
Foreign buyers already dictating terms of SOE sales

National is already caving into the interests of potential foreign buyers of our power companies by removing Treaty of Waitangi and social responsibility clauses from legislation designed to protect Kiwis’ interests, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Community 1 Feb 2012
It's high time to be waterwise

It’s time for families in Mana to get waterwise and to utilise the help that is being offered in our community to ensure we are all safe in the water, Kris Faafoi MP for Mana said today.


Politics 1 Feb 2012
National's cuts will affect front line force

The Police Minister’s preoccupation with cost cutting will threaten front line Police officers’ ability to prevent and investigate crime Labour’s Police spokesperson Kris Faafoi said today.


Aviation 1 Feb 2012
Fyfe leads Air New Zealand to greatness

Air New Zealand chief executive Rob Fyfe can take immense pride in his seven years running the airline, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Politics 30 Jan 2012
Government wrong to blame FTA for Crafar sales

A claim by Prime Minister John Key and Land Information Minister Maurice Williamson --- that National had to allow the sale of the Crafar farms to Chinese interests because of the NZ/China free trade agreement which Labour had negotiated --- is plainly wrong, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker.


Politics 30 Jan 2012
Govt leaves Kiwi consumers to pick up the bill

Kiwi consumers will pay the price for National’s ill-conceived plan to sell off our power companies, says Labour Energy spokesperson Moana Mackey.


Politics 30 Jan 2012
LanzaTech excellent way to grow economy

The ‘LanzaTech model’ is the key to building a more competitive and productive economy while keeping our best brains and assets in New Zealand hands, says Labour’s spokesperson for Land Information, Raymond Huo.


Politics 30 Jan 2012
Kiwis opposed to land sale not xenophobic

The labelling of any Kiwi who opposes the sale of productive New Zealand assets to foreigners as anti-Chinese or ‘bordering more on racism’ is unjustified and wrong, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Politics 30 Jan 2012
Gutless, unpatriotic and unproductive

Gutless, unpatriotic and unproductive is how Labour’s Primary Industry spokesperson Damien O’Connor is describing the decision to sell the Crafar farms to foreigners instead of New Zealanders.


Politics 30 Jan 2012
Call repeated for Education Minister to intervene in Dunedin school crisis

DUNEDIN — The future viability of Dunedin’s Rotary Park School is increasingly in doubt as more parents enrol their children in other schools, Dunedin South Labour MP Clare Curran says.


Politics 28 Jan 2012
Crafar farm decision a kick in the guts for Kiwi farmers

The Government’s decision to allow the Crafar Farms to fall into foreign hands opens the way for more New Zealanders to become tenants in their own land, Labour Leader David Shearer says.


Politics 28 Jan 2012
A port strategy must come first

Controversial plans to extend Auckland’s container port 250m into the Waitemata harbour should not proceed in the absence of a Government strategy on the future of the country’s ports, says Labour spokesperson for Transport and Auckland Issues, Phil Twyford.


Politics 28 Jan 2012
National's low expectations won't help Kiwis

The National Government’s low expectations for the New Zealand economy, including flogging off precious state assets at below valuation, won’t help recovery, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker.


Politics 28 Jan 2012
Who will foot the bill, Dr Smith?

The Government’s Rena recovery plan leaves the unanswered question of whether the ship’s owners will be held to account or whether New Zealand taxpayers will be footing the bill, says Labour’s Environment spokesperson Grant Robertson.


Politics 27 Jan 2012
Key now talks up decline, not recovery

John Key’s state-of-the-nation speech today is about managing economic decline, not economic recovery, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Politics 25 Jan 2012
Labour calls for robust inquiry into fracking

An investigation into the implications of fracking in New Zealand should be a priority when Parliament resumes, says Labour’s Environment spokesperson Grant Robertson.


Politics 24 Jan 2012
Children at risk as legal aid cuts bite

Vulnerable Kiwi children caught up in custody disputes will be the real losers from National's latest round of legal aid cuts, Labour’s Shadow Attorney General Charles Chauvel says.


Politics 24 Jan 2012
Housing affordability --- let's get the cure right

The diagnosis is right but the cure would kill us – that is the reaction of Labour’s Auckland Issues spokesperson Phil Twyford to the just-released annual Demographia survey on housing affordability.


Politics 24 Jan 2012
Cheque book legislation not the Kiwi way

Changing gambling laws in return for casino giant Sky City funding a national convention centre in Auckland is not the way the Government should be doing business, says Labour’s Auckland Issues spokesperson Phil Twyford.


Politics 20 Jan 2012
National's political interference distorts NZ broadcasting

Two National Party office holders are implicated in the NZ on Air controversy, suggesting political interference is ‘alive and sick’ at the country’s public broadcasting funding agency, says Labour’s Broadcasting spokesperson Clare Curran.


Politics 20 Jan 2012
Flogging off assets does nothing to help New Zealand

Strategic assets like the Ports of Auckland should not be privatised, Labour Transport spokesperson Phil Twyford says.


Politics 20 Jan 2012
MP honoured by election as PGA President

Ross Robertson, Labour MP for Manukau East and Assistant Speaker, has been elected as the President of Parliamentarians for Global Action.


Politics 20 Jan 2012
Kiwi ideas will benefit Canada, not us

The sale of a cutting edge, taxpayer-owned research company to an overseas buyer means that Canada, not New Zealand, will reap the benefits of Sirtrack Limited’s innovation and scientific expertise in the future, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Politics 20 Jan 2012
Government fails to tackle skills shortages

Skills shortages in agricultural science --- where New Zealand should lead internationally in growing talent --- shows National still failing to recognise the need to develop a skills-based economy, says Labour’s Deputy Leader and Tertiary Education, Skills and Training spokesperson Grant Robertson.


Politics 16 Jan 2012
National's 'drill it, mine it, sell it' approach not the path to economic growth

Revelations that oil exploration company TAG Oil plans to aggressively pursue mining on New Zealand’s East Coast and turn it into the "Texas of the South" shows that National’s ‘drill it, mine it, sell it' approach to economic development is well underway, says Labour's Energy spokesperson and East Coast-based MP Moana Mackey.


Politics 16 Jan 2012
Leaked survey shows disillusionment among Foreign Affairs staff

Plummeting morale in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and disillusionment with its leadership and direction will damage New Zealand’s interests, says Labour’s Foreign Affairs spokesman Phil Goff.


Politics 16 Jan 2012
Key's 'Kiwi dream' in tatters

New Zealanders are set to become tenants in their own land under the Government’s policies despite John Key saying two years ago he didn’t want it to happen, says Labour’s Economic Development spokesperson David Cunliffe.


Politics 13 Jan 2012
Commission's report would make Hide proud

The Productivity Commission’s draft report on international freight transport is a gift from former cabinet minister Rodney Hide who established the commission, and would have made him proud, says Labour’s Transport spokesperson Phil Twyford.


Culture 12 Jan 2012
King: The Kiwi dream can be kept alive

The Kiwi dream of home ownership, affordable housing and security in older years can be and must be kept alive, says Labour’s Housing spokesperson Annette King.


Economy 12 Jan 2012
National drifts with no plan for jobs

The National Government is beginning 2012 the same way it finished its first three years in office ---- with no real idea about how to create jobs and grow the New Zealand economy, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker.


Food 12 Jan 2012
Labour seeking clarification on planned Food legislation

Labour is seeking clarification from the National Government over the implications of its wide reaching food safety bill, Labour Primary Industries spokesman Damien O’Connor says.


Aviation 12 Jan 2012
Congratulations, we're kissing you goodbye

Plaudits being heaped on Air New Zealand by the Prime Minister suggest he is either suffering from sunstroke or that his tongue is stuck firmly in cheek, Labour MP Chris Hipkins says.


Politics 10 Jan 2012
Stratos a goner thanks to National's ineptness

Free-to-air broadcasting in New Zealand has been dealt another blow with the shock announcement that Auckland-based Stratos Television is to close, Labour’s Broadcasting spokesperson Clare Curran says.


Deaths 10 Jan 2012
Labour offers condolences following tragedy

Labour leader David Shearer has conveyed his deepest sympathies to the families and friends of the 11 people who lost their lives in this morning’s tragic ballooning accident.


Politics 9 Jan 2012
Labour's forward thinking gave NZ a solid foundation

The fiscal responsibility of the last Labour government has allowed New Zealand to support countries afflicted by economic crisis, rather than being forced to ask cap in hand for assistance itself, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker.


Earthquakes 23 Dec 2011
Terrible end to a terrible year

CHRISTCHURCH — Labour’s Earthquake Recovery spokesperson and Christchurch East MP, Lianne Dalziel, says today’s swarm of earthquakes were a terrible way to end a terrible year.


Earthquakes 23 Dec 2011
Labour's thoughts with Cantabrians

CHRISTCHURCH — Labour joins with the rest of New Zealand in sending heartfelt thoughts to the people of Christchurch who, at a time when they should be relaxing with family and friends, are once again having to deal with the effects of more earthquakes, Labour leader David Shearer says.


Politics 22 Dec 2011
School merger must provide the best for students

Today’s announcement that Wellington’s Miramar South and Strathmore Community schools are to be merged will end months of speculation and uncertainty for both staff and families, Rongotai MP Annette King says.


Politics 22 Dec 2011
More Kiwis than ever will have an Aussie Xmas

A record number of New Zealanders are fleeing the country under John Key’s watch despite his bold promise when elected that he’d stop the exodus and close the income gap, says Labour MP Darien Fenton.


Politics 22 Dec 2011
Address In Reply

Mr Speaker, I acknowledge you, and congratulate you, on your return to the role of Speaker.


Politics 22 Dec 2011
Ratepayer bailout a bit on the nose

A $100 million ratepayer bailout of NZTA raises serious questions about the Government’s budget and planning abilities, Labour’s Transport spokesperson Phil Twyford says.


Politics 21 Dec 2011
Racing dispute needs resolution

Labour’s Racing spokesperson Ross Robertson is calling on the thoroughbred racing industry to set aside internal differences and work to resolve its pay increase dispute.


Politics 19 Dec 2011
New Labour line-up announced

David Shearer today announced Labour’s new line-up that promotes new faces and focuses on Labour's priorities for a clean, green and innovative New Zealand that supports strong families and communities.


Politics 19 Dec 2011
Mine culture still high risk

The Department of Labour’s failure to appoint a senior inspector to the new High Hazards Unit is a sign that underground mine safety is still plagued by a culture of risk, West Coast Tasman MP Damien O’Connor, says.


Politics 19 Dec 2011
Rethink of biosecurity needed

The revelation that the Psa crisis may have been caused by allowing imports of kiwifruit pollen sends another clear message that our Biosecurity system is substandard, says Labour’s Biosecurity spokesperson Damien OConnor.


Politics 19 Dec 2011
And so the fire sale begins

Like more than 80 per cent of Kiwis, Labour is prepared to fight tooth and nail to stop National’s state asset fire sale, Labour’s spokesperson for SOEs, Clayton Cosgrove, says.


Politics 19 Dec 2011
Asset sales scandal

Bill English’s claim that the success of the Government will be measured by the number of Kiwis who buy shares in our state-owned assets is disingenuous at best, Labour’s West Coast-Tasman MP Damien O’Connor says.


Politics 15 Dec 2011
Helpline deserves assurances

A sexual abuse helpline in Auckland could be forced to close next month despite Social Development Minister Paula Bennett being warned that funding was exhausted, says Labour’s spokesperson for Victims Rights Carmel Sepuloni.


Politics 13 Dec 2011
New leadership team congratulated

“We wish to offer our wholehearted congratulations and support to Labour’s new Leader David Shearer and to his Deputy, Grant Robertson,” New Lynn MP David Cunliffe and Hauraki Waikato MP Nanaia Mahuta said today.


Politics 13 Dec 2011
Fresh face for Labour and a fresh vision for NZ

David Shearer says his election as Labour’s new leader today signals a fresh start for the Party and the beginning of the journey from Opposition back to Government in 2014.


Politics 13 Dec 2011
Manawatu Column - December 2011

After each election Stephen Levine, Professor of Political Science at Victoria University, invites many of the main political players and commentators to contribute to a book about the campaign.


Politics 13 Dec 2011
John Key's gutless stance on poverty

John’s Key’s sudden about-face on the need for an official poverty measure is being driven purely by cynical politics as he cobbles together a deal with the same parties who have ignored the issue for the past three years, says Labour’s Social Development Spokesperson Annette King.


Politics 12 Dec 2011
Key and Banks charting a course for disaster

John Banks’ assertion that he will hand-pick ‘like-minded’ people to implement the controversial charter schools trial is proof the proposal is about political ideology, not educational achievement says Labour's Education Spokesperson, Sue Moroney.


Politics 7 Dec 2011
Public service cuts need scrutiny

The inevitable trumpeting of huge financial savings that has accompanied news of further public service job cuts deserves scrutiny, Labour’s State Services spokesperson Ruth Dyson says.


Politics 7 Dec 2011
Failure to move on SFO power disappoints

Labour’s Shadow Attorney-General David Parker says he is disappointed that National will not move to curb Serious Fraud Office powers that have been described as ‘draconian’ by one media organisation.


Politics 7 Dec 2011
Dunne rolls over on public television

United Future’s first fishing expedition as a coalition partner has all the hallmarks of a Monty Python sketch, Labour’s Broadcasting spokesperson, Clare Curran says.


Politics 7 Dec 2011
NZ must be vigilant in reducing sea lion fatalities

The effectiveness of sea lion exclusion devices (SLEDs), which are designed to keep sea lions out of trawling nets in peak squid fishing season, are in the spotlight following the government’s proposal not to set a ‘kill quota’ for this year’s squid fishery, says Labour’s Conservation spokesperson Ruth Dyson.


Politics 7 Dec 2011
National's hidden education agenda emerges

John Key has used a bogus agreement with ACT to bring in education policies promoting bulk funding and privatisation that National were working on before the election, but did not tell voters about, Labour’s Education spokesperson Sue Moroney says.