Labour Party

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Joined December 2008
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Politics 5 Dec 2011
Mine culture unsafe

Reporting of unsafe conditions at Huntly underground mine is further proof of an inherently dangerous culture, and one that the Department of Labour appears to be incapable of addressing, West Coast/Tasman MP Damien O’Connor says.


Employment 5 Dec 2011
ANZCO CMP lockout won't achieve fair outcomes

The lockout of 100 workers by ANZCO CMP in Marton, now in its seventh week, should raise alarm bells for companies who are part of the supply chain, says Labour’s spokesperson for Labour Issues Darien Fenton.


Politics 5 Dec 2011
Landmark destruction must stop

Buck passing over the future of a threatened Otago landmark has got to stop, Dunedin South Labour MP Clare Curran says.


Politics 30 Nov 2011
Turning Disaster into Opportunity: Keynote Address to Australian & NZ Institute of Insurance & Finance Conference

CHRISTCHURCH — Lianne Dalziel  Sky City Convention Centre Auckland I wish to begin by thanking you for inviting me to present this address today.


Politics 25 Nov 2011
Families downtrodden as costs climb

Fifty three per cent of New Zealand families are now either barely able or unable to meet their basic needs as housing costs continue to rise and pay packets shrink, says Labour Leader Phil Goff.


Politics 25 Nov 2011
Labour's campaign keeps the issues centre-stage

Labour will keep the campaign pressure up till the last possible minute, to fight for a future for all Kiwis, Labour’s campaign spokesperson Grant Robertson says.


Politics 25 Nov 2011
Mortgagee sales tell real story for Mums and Dads

The substantial jump in mortgagee sales in the past quarter, showing Mums and Dads losing their homes, gives a more accurate picture about what’s happening to Kiwis than National’s assurances that we are over the hump of the bad times, says Labour’s Associate Finance spokesperson David Parker.


Politics 25 Nov 2011
Empty promises on asset sales unconvincing

National’s latest empty promises on asset sales won’t convince voters, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Cunliffe.


Politics 25 Nov 2011
National's hysteria won't wash

National's hysterical reaction to the revelation that police have cancelled their intake of new recruits in the new year shows how desperate they were to stop it going public before the election, says Labour's Campaign Spokesperson Grant Robertson.


Politics 25 Nov 2011
National goes silent on three critical policies

National has left out from its election policies three core policy promises that featured in their last election campaign, raising questions about their commitment to critical policy in health, housing and education, says Labour’s Campaign spokesperson Grant Robertson.


Politics 25 Nov 2011
Why no answer on Crafar farms before election?

National is concealing its intention to sell off our farmland to foreign buyers well under the radar before the election, says Labour’s Economic Development and Associate Finance spokesperson David Parker.


Politics 25 Nov 2011
Kiwis get promise of more muddling through from National

John Key’s so-called action plan if National is returned to government on Saturday misses two vital ingredients – ‘action’ and ‘plan’, Labour’s campaign spokesperson Grant Robertson says.


Politics 23 Nov 2011
Skills: Time for talking is over, let's act

The call by a large recruitment company to set up a taskforce to look at how best to attract and keep skilled workers in New Zealand may have some merit, but Labour would simply get on with the job of implementing its skills strategy, says Labour’s Associate Education spokesperson Carol Beaumont.


Politics 23 Nov 2011
Housing policy puts needs of children first

Labour will put the needs of families and children first with polices which focus on stable and healthy homes, says Labour’s Housing spokesperson Moana Mackey.


Politics 23 Nov 2011
A better life for every child in New Zealand

No New Zealand child should continue to live in poverty, Labour Deputy Leader Annette King says.


Politics 23 Nov 2011
John Key must be honest about asset sales

John Key must be honest with Kiwis and tell them truthfully what assets he's going to put on the auction block and when, says Labour Leader Phil Goff.


Politics 23 Nov 2011
Key sets scene for fire sale

The refusal by the National Government to disclose advice it has on the sale of Solid Energy and other energy State Owned Enterprises is a clear sign West Coast interests will not be well served, Labour MP based in West Coast/Tasman, Damien O’Connor says.


Politics 23 Nov 2011
100 Kiwis a day off to Oz

John Key has been given a resounding vote of no confidence with one hundred Kiwis leaving New Zealand for a ‘brighter future’ in Australia each day over the last month, Labour Leader Phil Goff said.


Politics 23 Nov 2011
National Party abandons low income schools

National’s plans to divert funding to schools that are already ‘high performing’ shows its agenda has nothing to do with lifting under-achievement, says Labour's education spokesperson, Sue Moroney.


Politics 23 Nov 2011
Nat education policy unfunded, un-costed and reheated

National has today attempted to use its education policy launch to sell its unpopular asset sales policy, Labour’s Education spokesperson Sue Moroney says.


Politics 23 Nov 2011
Child poverty can no longer be ignored

A no-holds barred documentary screening on TV3 tomorrow that reveals the sickening truth about child poverty in New Zealand should be a wake-up call for John Key and every member of his National-led government, Labour’s Deputy Leader and Social Policy spokesperson Annette King says.


Politics 23 Nov 2011
John Key's claims on asset sales laughable

John Key’s claim today that Kiwis support asset sales is laughable, Labour campaign spokesperson Grant Robertson says.


Deaths 21 Nov 2011
Phil Goff remembers the men and families of Pike River

Twelve months ago, 29 men went to work in the Pike River Mine and never came home.


Politics 21 Nov 2011
Labour will act to address diseases of poverty

Disturbing images of children with preventable skin infections in a documentary airing on television tomorrow night reflect the alarming rise in the diseases of poverty, something that must be addressed by the next government, Labour’s Health spokesperson Grant Robertson says.


Politics 21 Nov 2011
Speech to Labour Rally - the countdown to stopping asset sales

I want to start by thanking every one for coming out today.


Politics 21 Nov 2011
Labour puts spotlight on consumers rights

Labour is committed to protecting vulnerable consumers from unethical and predatory practices, says Labour’s spokesperson for Consumer Affairs Carol Beaumont.


Politics 21 Nov 2011
Labour will protect victims of domestic violence

A Labour government would reverse the changes made by National which have made it harder for victims of domestic violence to access and maintain state housing tenancies, says Labour's housing spokesperson Moana Mackey.


Politics 21 Nov 2011
Tony Ryall produces ghost doctors

Tony Ryall needs to provide specific details of where his 800 extra “ghost” doctors will be found, following a strong reaction against his claims by specialist doctors at their conference yesterday, Labour’s Health spokesperson Grant Robertson says.


Politics 21 Nov 2011
Open government policy a first

Labour today released New Zealand’s first comprehensive Open Government policy developed in consultation with the public, committing to a set of principles and actions to instil greater confidence in government.


Politics 21 Nov 2011
Labour's Roadmap for the Economy

Labour has today announced a comprehensive and bold plan to kick-start our economy by helping businesses grow, lifting wages, creating jobs and providing financial relief to struggling Kiwis so we have a future we can look forward to.


Politics 18 Nov 2011
Possible Harbour Bridge toll unfair to North Shore

Labour’s Auckland Issues spokesperson Phil Twyford says he is concerned that the possibility of simultaneous tolls on the existing Harbour Bridge as well as on a second Harbour crossing will unfairly impact on North Shore residents.


Politics 18 Nov 2011
Labour to put predatory lenders on notice

Labour is today putting loan sharks and other predatory lenders on notice,” says Consumer Affairs spokesperson Carol Beaumont.


Politics 18 Nov 2011
Recycled Health policy still does not 'show the money'

National’s health policy released today is a dossier of re-cycled ‘initiatives’ that raises more questions than it answers, Labour’s Health spokesperson Grant Robertson says.


Politics 18 Nov 2011
Work at the heart of Labour's Social Development policy

Getting people back to work is at the heart of Labour’s Social Development policy, Labour Deputy Leader Annette King says.


Politics 17 Nov 2011
John Key's brinksmanship over 'Cuppagate' spirals out of control

Police have more important things to do than waste time serving media outlets with search warrants for information on last week’s cup of tea media stunt, Labour’s campaign spokesperson Grant Robertson says.


Politics 17 Nov 2011
National's growing list of broken promises

Asset sales, the ever-widening wage gap with Australia, and the Kiwi exodus across the Tasman, feature on a list of National’s Top 10 Broken Promises, being released by Labour today.


Politics 17 Nov 2011
No forced council mergers without local input

Under Labour there will be no forced council mergers without people having a say in a referendum, says Local Government spokesperson Phil Twyford.


Politics 17 Nov 2011
Labour's will restore frontline Biosecurity services

Labour will restore the $2 million of cuts to frontline Biosecurity services made by National in 2009, says Labour Leader Phil Goff.


Politics 17 Nov 2011
Hillside and Dunedin deserve an explanation

Transport Minister Steven Joyce should tell Dunedin and the workers at Hillside Rail Workshops whether a National Government would ensure it has a future, Dunedin South Labour MP Clare Curran says “It’s time Steven Joyce was held accountable on the decisions being made about our rail engineering workshops.


Environment 17 Nov 2011
Tunnel vision if hole in the hill allowed to proceed

Plans to build a private tunnel through some of this country’s most spectacular wilderness areas should never have been allowed to get as far as they have, Labour’s Conservation spokesperson Ruth Dyson says.


Politics 17 Nov 2011
Poll shows huge backing for public transport

A Colmar Brunton poll showing huge backing for public transport proves how out of touch the National Government is in its fixation on roads, say Labour’s Transport spokesperson Shane Jones and Auckland Issues spokesperson Phil Twyford.


Politics 17 Nov 2011
Rail line being set up to fail

The Gisborne to Napier rail line is being set up to fail says Labour MP and East Coast candidate Moana Mackey.


Government 17 Nov 2011
Innovation needed in the state sector

Rebuilding front line services is vital to ensure an effective, innovative and efficient state sector that works for all New Zealanders, Labour’s State Services spokesperson Ruth Dyson said.


Politics 17 Nov 2011
Key must say why he's so keen to revive ACT

John Key needs to front up about why he is so determined to resuscitate the ACT Party which is in terminal decline, says Labour Campaign spokesperson Grant Robertson.


Education 11 Nov 2011
Labour's Education Policy

Sue Moroney - Education Spokesperson: Labour’s education policy recognises children and young people are New Zealand’s future and that every one of them deserves access to quality education.


Internet 23 Jun 2011
Joyce flounders on poor broadband performance

New Zealand’s internationally declining broadband performance raises serious questions about whether this Government’s $1.5 billion ultrafast broadband investment will actually make the country digitally competitive, says Labour’s communications and IT spokesperson Clare Curran.


Employment 10 Jun 2011
Misjudgment costs Kiwis jobs

The forty one jobs lost at KiwiRail’s Dunedin Hillside workshops today illustrate the real-life effects of government procurement policy, says Labour’s Economic Development spokesperson David Parker and Labour MP for Dunedin South Clare Curran.


Health 9 Jun 2011
Ryall admits Health Budget will not meet increased costs

Tony Ryall has admitted that the 2011 Health Budget is more than $150 million short of keeping up with the growth in costs facing the health sector, says Labour’s Health Spokesperson Grant Robertson.


Court 9 Jun 2011
Older New Zealanders should not be denied democratic duty

Older New Zealanders should not be barred from participating in jury trials because of their age, says Labour’s spokesperson for Senior Citizens Steve Chadwick.


Politics 9 Jun 2011
Smith fails to make case for ACC privatisation

Nick Smith’s blind faith that the market will deliver lower cost accident cover for employers isn’t supported by any real evidence, says Labour’s ACC spokesperson Chris Hipkins.


Film 2 Jun 2011
Chadwick: A merger is not a plan

The Government has missed another opportunity to respond to the review of the New Zealand Film Commission, instead opting again to tinker around the edges of arts policy with no sign of a robust plan for the sector, says Labour’s Arts, Culture and Heritage spokesperson Steve Chadwick.


Finance 2 Jun 2011
National confirms ACC privatisation plans

National’s plan announced today to privatise ACC will result in New Zealanders having to pay more to get less, says Labour’s ACC spokesperson Chris Hipkins.


Technology 2 Jun 2011
Half billion dollar blow-out on Super City IT deplorable

The Government has overseen a half billion dollar blow-out in Super City IT costs, but won’t be held accountable, says Labour’s Auckland Issues spokesperson Phil Twyford.


Education 1 Jun 2011
20 hours free ECE faces the chop

The benefits of 20 hours free ECE will go and parents will face higher fees if the ECE Taskforce’s funding recommendations are implemented, says Labour’s Education spokesperson Sue Moroney.


Health 31 May 2011
Health sector changes more pain for no gain

The shuffling of agencies and responsibilities in the health sector looks like a continuation of National’s 'pain without gain' philosophy, says Labour’s Health spokesperson Grant Robertson.


Transport 27 May 2011
Waterview connection a win for local communities

AUCKLAND CITY — The draft report by the Board of Inquiry on the extension of State Highway 20 strikes a good balance between meeting the needs of the local community, and the wider objectives of the road, says Labour's MP for Mt Albert David Shearer.


Marine 27 May 2011
Finally an admission on unethical fishing practice

The Maori Fisheries Conference last weekend, revealed an embarrassing admission from the Minister of Fisheries as to the problem of third world labour and conditions on board charter fishing vessels, says Labour’s MP based in West Coast Tasman Damien O’Connor.


Building 26 May 2011
Lyttelton 'consultation' offensive

CHRISTCHURCH — Port Hills MP Ruth Dyson says it is offensive for the Government to claim it intends consulting with community organisations on reclamation work at Port Lyttelton when it has already announced today that it is fast-tracking the proposal.


Agriculture 25 May 2011
Challenge for Agriculture

Bringing agriculture into the ETS in 2013 will present a challenge for the industry but offer opportunities at the same time, says Labour’s Agriculture spokesperson Damien O’Connor.


Finance 25 May 2011
KiwiSaver cuts put further pressure on health budget

The Government has dumped the cost of health workers’ Kiwisaver schemes on to District Health Boards, putting further pressure on budgets that are not keeping up with inflation and an ageing population, says Labour’s Health spokesperson Grant Robertson.


Internet 25 May 2011
Broadband monopoly ties up taxpayer funds

The Government’s broadband plan will tie up $1.35 billion of taxpayer funds until possibly 2036, with taxpayers bearing the cost of hundreds of millions of dollars in interest, says Labour’s communications and IT spokesperson Clare Curran.


Science 23 May 2011
R&D tax credit will stimulate economic growth

The announcement today of the creation of the 12.5% tax credit for additional research and development marks an important step for the New Zealand economy, says Labour's Economic Development Spokesperson David Parker.


Politics 21 May 2011
State fire sale ignores reality for struggling Kiwis

National’s decision to sell off without mandate the state-owned power companies and a chunk of Air New Zealand flies in the face of the harsh economic realities facing Kiwi Mums and Dads, says Labour’s SOEs spokesperson Clayton Cosgrove.


Deaths 19 May 2011
Champion of Samoan rights will be missed

WELLINGTON CITY — The Pacific community are grieving the loss of Wellington based Queen’s Counsel, Dr George Barton, a champion of Pacific rights, says Labour’s Pacific Island spokesperson Su’a William Sio.


Politics 19 May 2011
Labour steadfastly opposes ACC privatisation

Labour steadfastly opposes National’s plan to privatise the ACC work account and will continue to strongly criticise Minister Nick Smith’s plan to work towards that goal by stealth, says Labour’s spokesperson for ACC Chris Hipkins.


Employment 19 May 2011
Importing workforce not the answer

The Government has refused to rule out using migrant labour in the rebuild of Christchurch even though it still has time to ensure enough Kiwis are trained to do the work, says Labour’s Employment spokesperson Jacinda Ardern.


Internet 18 May 2011
Steven Joyce forced into massive back-down on Telco Bill

Steven Joyce has ditched the controversial anti-competitive regulatory holiday in his broadband Bill for what appears to be an even worse stitched together last minute compromise that has been forced on him by the Maori Party, says Labour’s communications and IT spokesperson Clare Curran.


Education 18 May 2011
National Standards data shown to be suspect

The revelation that schools have been told by the Ministry of Education to include National Standards in their charters --- even if they are not implementing the standards --- calls into question Government data on the issue, says Labour’s Education spokesperson, Sue Moroney.


Transport 18 May 2011
Bus Fare Hike will hit the poorest hardest

NEW PLYMOUTH — News today that the cost of taking the bus in Palmerston North is set to jump by 25% is just another blow to those struggling to make ends meet says Palmerston North MP Iain Lees-Galloway.


Internet 17 May 2011
Anti-competitive broadband Bill creates a monopoly to push prices up

Labour has today spelt out its opposition to the government’s new broadband bill as anti-competitive, promoting monopolistic behaviour and likely to result in higher costs to consumers for the new broadband network.


Real Estate 15 May 2011
Heatley needs to come clean on plans for state house asset sales

Housing Minister Phil Heatley needs to come clean on his plans for state housing following the placement of an advertisement on Trade Me over the weekend for a 'Property Divestment Expert' within Housing New Zealand, says Labour Housing Spokesperson Moana Mackey.

'Property Divestment Expert'


Health 15 May 2011
Rheumatic fever unacceptable in New Zealand

The scourge of rheumatic fever in New Zealand will only be addressed by tackling inequities and the social causes of the disease, says Labour’s Health spokesperson Grant Robertson.


Court 15 May 2011
West Auckland Court closure would be a blow to the West

WAITAKERE CITY — Labour MPs say the Government’s plan to shut the highly-regarded Waitakere Family Court is a blow to the West Auckland community that will make it harder for the area’s children and families to get access to justice.


Politics 13 May 2011
Struggling Kiwis already know how tough it is

Kiwis struggling to pay the bills each week won’t be surprised to learn that food prices have increased 6.1 per cent in the year to April 2011, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Cunliffe.


Building 13 May 2011
Heating delays unacceptable for Cantabrians

CHRISTCHURCH — Thousands of Canterbury people will face cold, miserable winter months ahead because of unacceptable delays to installing heating systems in their damaged homes, says Labour’s Earthquake Recovery spokesperson Clayton Cosgrove.


Employment 13 May 2011
National shows further contempt for workers' rights

In a desperate attempt to defend the Government’s ‘Find A Job’ website Social Development Minister Paula Bennett said today that “any job’s a good job” even if its legality is questionable, says Labour’s spokesperson for Labour Issues Darien Fenton.


Health 12 May 2011
Role of nurses needs to be recognised and enhanced

International Nurses Day is a chance to celebrate the essential role that nurses play in the delivery of quality healthcare, and to commit to making sure that role is enhanced, says Labour’s Health spokesperson Grant Robertson.


Agriculture 12 May 2011
PGP Allocation Misdirected

The funding allocated to the manuka honey industry by National’s Primary Partnership for Growth fund would have been better spent on frontline Biosecurity, says Labour’s spokesperson for Biosecurity Damien O’Connor.


Internet 12 May 2011
Labour will repeal key parts of broadband bill

Labour will vote against National’s broadband bill and in Government would repeal sections of it that we believe will have an anti-competitive effect on the telecommunications industry to the detriment of consumers, says Labour’s spokesperson for Communications and IT, Clare Curran.


Economy 12 May 2011
Cuts will hurt Kiwis but won't fix broken economy

National’s plan to cut KiwiSaver and Working For Families will hurt middle and low-income New Zealanders while doing nothing to address the huge economic problems this country is facing, says Labour Leader Phil Goff.


Finance 12 May 2011
National fiddles while the country burns

Few prime ministerial economic speeches could be as less inspiring or more misleading than John Key’s today, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Cunliffe.


Water 11 May 2011
Paper shows water reforms just a trickle

The Cabinet paper on freshwater policy from Environment Minister Nick Smith shows water quality will take many years, if ever, to be restored to parts of New Zealand, says Labour’s water spokesman Brendon Burns.


Politics 11 May 2011
Labour selects candidate for Te Tai Tokerau

Labour Leader Phil Goff has confirmed that MP Kelvin Davis has been selected as the party’s candidate for the Te Tai Tokerau by-election.


Transport 11 May 2011
Eastern Arterial Route faces further obstacles

ROTORUA — The controversial Rotorua Eastern Arterial route has hit more than one snag on its road to completion, says Steve Chadwick Labour’s list MP based in Rotorua.


Education 11 May 2011
Cost cutting hits Kawerau schools

The decision to close three of six schools in Kawerau represents a misjudgement which places cost cutting above quality education and public consultation, says Labour’s List MP based in Rotorua Steve Chadwick.


Water 11 May 2011
National Policy Statement 'watered down' by growth agenda

Labour’s Water spokesperson Brendon Burns says any step forward to improve water quality is welcome, but the Government's announcements yesterday are negated by steps backwards.


Politics 10 May 2011
National's austerity just a 'paint job'

The National Government reeks of hypocrisy calling on Kiwis to tighten their belts and get used to living without 'nice to haves' while spending hundreds of thousands of dollars flashing up ministerial houses, splashing out on brand new BMWs, and jetting around the world in military planes, says Labour's Internal Affairs spokesperson Chris Hipkins.


Politics 10 May 2011
Key treads on plush new carpet as Kiwis struggle

John Key is telling struggling Kiwis that they must learn to live without ‘nice to haves’ and to make the right ‘lifestyle choices’ at the same time as splashing out on new carpet and curtains for Premier House, says Labour’s Internal Affairs spokesperson Chris Hipkins.


Politics 7 May 2011
Labour attempts to fix flawed Environmental Protection Authority

Labour is trying to give the Environment Protection Authority teeth, says Labour’s Environment spokesperson Charles Chauvel.


Business 7 May 2011
Solid Energy logical owner

WEST COAST — Solid Energy’s announcement that it wishes to acquire the assets of Pike River is a good move, says West Coast Labour MP Damien O’Connor.


Politics 7 May 2011
Labour releases further DPS Papers

Labour today released proof that the Prime Minister of the day can decline diplomatic protection should he or she wish to.


Politics 6 May 2011
Amateur Hour at PM's office

Prime Minister John Key has many more questions to answer about his helicopter ride with the Vela brothers, according to Labour MP Pete Hodgson.


Employment 6 May 2011
90 day no rights trials hit Parliament

Staff for Members of Parliament will now face the 90 day no rights trial period, unless they are employed to work for Labour, says Darien Fenton, Labour’s spokesperson for Labour Issues.


Births 6 May 2011
Where is the maternity money coming from?

Labour backs support for mothers and babies, but is worried that other health services may be cut to pay for yesterday’s announcement, by Health Minister Tony Ryall, Maternal Health spokesperson Steve Chadwick said today.


Employment 6 May 2011
Decrease in unemployment not nearly enough

Any drop in the unemployment rate is welcome news, but a 0.1 percent decrease is not nearly enough, Labour employment spokesperson Jacinda Ardern says.


Politics 5 May 2011
McCully's explanations sounding increasingly hollow

Foreign Minister Murray McCully’s justifications for using RNZAF aircraft to fly to Vanuatu at great expense to the taxpayer, are sounding increasingly hollow, Labour MP for Mt Albert David Shearer says.


Politics 5 May 2011
Bennett and Key have misled New Zealand with youth training announcement

The National Government have tried to mislead New Zealanders into believing they have put new funding into tackling the issue of youth unemployment, says Labour’s spokesperson for Employment and Youth Affairs, Jacinda Ardern.


Politics 4 May 2011
Government lacks compassion for seniors

The latest Ministry of Social Development report, The Business of Ageing, firmly illustrates that the National Government is more focused on pressuring seniors to contribute to the economy than their overall health and wellbeing, says Labour’s spokesperson for Senior Citizens Steve Chadwick.


Court 4 May 2011
Concerns growing over the future of Waitakere Family Court

WAITAKERE CITY — There are deep and growing concerns that the shifting of court work from Waitakere City into central Auckland will prove a barrier to justice for many people living in the west, says Rick Barker, Labour’s Courts spokesperson.