Maori Party

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Joined August 2007
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Politics 9 Jun 2008
Peak oil strategy would help Kyoto response - Maori Party

The massive 9% spike in crude oil, along with the falling New Zealand dollar, has led to renewed calls from the Mori Party for a cross-party Parliamentary Commission to look sensibly and collaboratively at addressing the challenge of Peak Oil.


Politics 5 Jun 2008
Maori Party congratulates Barack Obama

The Maori Party leadership has welcomed the outcome of the Democratic Party nomination contest for the US Presidential candidate.


Politics 4 Jun 2008
Wanted: Thousands of Mori to Shape the Future

Mori Party co-leader, Dr Pita Sharples, today sent out the call to whnau, hapk and iwi to search out their networks, sharing the message that ‘the future is in our hands’.


Politics 3 Jun 2008
Maori Party to campaign vigorously for party and electorate votes

“The Maori Party will campaign vigorously for the party vote in '08 as we did in '05, says Co-leader Tariana Turia.


Politics 3 Jun 2008
Maori Party to campaign vigorously for party and electorate votes

“The Maori Party will campaign vigorously for the party vote in '08 as we did in '05, says Co-leader Tariana Turia.


Politics 22 May 2008
Tax cuts will not eliminate poverty  Maori Party

The Maori Party says a $10.6 billion tax-cut package is a drop in the bucket, when there is much more to be done to address inequalities and need, according to the Maori Party.


Politics 4 May 2008
'Enrol to Play a Role'

The Maori Party is pleased to endorse the enrolment update campaign launched today.


Politics 28 Apr 2008
Tax cuts for poorest families, says Maori Party

Tax cuts should be directed to eliminating poverty, especially among our most vulnerable citizens, our children, says the Maori Party.


Marine 16 Apr 2008
Ministers patronising, arrogant attitude infuriates Maori fishers

The Maori Party says Jim Anderton’s branding of all Maori commercial fishers as plunderers shows an attitude which Maori find patronising and arrogant.


Deaths 16 Apr 2008
Maori Party mourns death of Mahinaarangi Tocker

The Maori Party is deeply upset to hear that Mahinaarangi Tocker has drawn her last breath at the young age of 52.


Crime 2 Apr 2008
More investment needed in violence prevention - Maori Party

The Maori Party congratulates the governments success in encouraging people to report family violence  but says now it must stump up with resources to deal with the problem.


Politics 29 Mar 2008
'No more poverty in a land of plenty' Maori Party

Maori Party Co-leaders, Dr Pita Sharples and Hon Tariana Turia, commend the committed courage of church leaders who have called for action to restore benefit rates to a level necessary for a just and compassionate society.


Maori 8 Mar 2008
Derek Fox - Maori Party Candidate for Ikaroa Rawhiti

An elated chairperson for the Maori Party electorate of Ikaroa Rawhiti, last night announced the candidate to contest the General Elections in 2008 is Derek Fox.


Politics 2 Mar 2008
Vote of Confidence Welcomed by Maori Party

Dr Pita Sharples is excited that the Marae Digipoll announced today indicates all seven Maori electorate seats will go to the Maori Party in Election 2008.


Deaths 19 Feb 2008
Poroporoaki: Barry Barclay

E to, e te ra, e to ki te rua.


Politics 16 Feb 2008
Monte Ohia the Maori Party Candidate for Te Tai Tonga

Glenys Papuni, Maori Party Electorate Chair for Te Tai Tonga,Saturday 16 February 2008.


Politics 13 Feb 2008
Maori Party salutes Katherine Rich

Maori Party co-leaders, Hon.


Politics 10 Feb 2008
Maori Party Announces Ikaroa Rawhiti Nominees

Maori Party Ikaroa Rawhiti Electorate Committee delighted with the strong pool of contenders to contest a 'hot seat' Saturday 9 February 2008; 3.00pm Electorate Chairman, Gordon Paku, has today confirmed what he has described as an 'impressive line-up' to campaign to be the Maori Party candidate for Ikaroa Rawhiti.


Maori 4 Feb 2008
Traditional Wero defended by Maori Party, Dr Pita Sharples

Sensational headlines linking the artform of the wero with 'mongrels' and 'gangs' have been greeted with anger by Dr Pita Sharples, co-leader of the Maori Party.


Deaths 11 Jan 2008
Maori Party Mourns passing of our 'homegrown superman'

Iri te rau kawakawa iri ki whare aitua.


Community 9 Jan 2008
Communication’ the Key to Resolving War Memorial Crisis

GREYMOUTH — Maori Party Co-leader, Dr Pita Sharples, has urged all parties to respect the need for communication regarding the removal of war memorial pillars from Greymouth.


Politics 21 Dec 2007
Maori Party Delighted with Te Papa Appointment

WELLINGTON CITY — The Maori Party has today congratulated Michelle Hippolite, of Ngati Pou and Rongowhakaata, in being appointed to the role of Kaihautu at the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa.


Politics 20 Dec 2007
Latest resignation marks Labour’s Year of Living Dangerously

Climate Change spokesperson for the Maori Party, Hone Harawira, today expressed dismay at learning of the latest scapegoat, Environment boss Hugh Logan, to fall casualty to Labour’s fixation with seeing the public service as another arm of the Labour Party.


Politics 18 Dec 2007
Maori Party Opposes Proposal to Lift Superannuation Age

The Maori Party has today expressed its profound concern at any suggestions that the pension age should be lifted.


Energy 6 Dec 2007
Maori Party Repeats call for Cross Party Commission on Peak Oil

The Maori Party has today reiterated the call it made on 4 September 2005 to establish a cross-party parliamentary commission on peak oil.


Maori 27 Nov 2007
Maori Party Endorses Indigenous Ingenuity

The Maori Party is celebrating the enterprise of indigenous leadership in forming the United League of Indigenous Nations; an international initiative which Aotearoa will formally ratify in Whakatane on November 28, 2007 (tomorrow).


Politics 26 Nov 2007
Maori Party Congratulates Kevin Rudd on Labour’s Victory in the Australian Federal Election

“For indigenous Australians, a Howard defeat signifies that Australians have voted against policies which attacked and polarised various sectors across their nation, and in particular Aboriginal communities” said Tariana Turia, Co-leader of the Maori Party.


Politics 22 Nov 2007
Electoral Finance Bill Second Reading

Over the last couple of months we’ve seen all kinds of groups and individuals opposing and interpreting this bill as “almost impossible”, very difficult, messy and expensive, and overly complex.


Health 22 Nov 2007
Suicide Trends can not be ignored: Maori Party

“The tragic trends around suicide are something that no politician can ignore” said Te Ururoa Flavell, Statistics Spokesperson for the Maori Party.


Maori 16 Nov 2007
How do major iwi interests fare with Fonterra? asks Maori Party

The Maori Party has reacted with caution to the ‘bold, brave plan’ put forward by Fonterra to list on the stock exchange.


Politics 14 Nov 2007
'We expect due justice to be applied' - 'Terrorism leaks' - Sharples

“We welcome the Police Inquiry into their decision to investigate the publication of any information which could be considered to breach court suppression orders or potentially compromise criminal proceedings” said Dr Sharples.


Politics 13 Nov 2007
Maori Party Challenges Government to Respect Democratic process

A major call from iwi for Government to listen, must be accorded respect says Fisheries Spokesperson for the Maori Party, Tariana Turia.


Politics 11 Nov 2007
It’s Looking Good for 2008 says Maori Party

The Maori Party today is very pleased to learn that the latest Marae Digipoll survey indicates they are well on the way to achieving their aim of taking all seven Maori seats in the 2008 Elections.


Police 8 Nov 2007
‘Scars Run Deep for Tuhoe’

The Maori Party has expressed relief that the horrific experience of the last 25 days has now abated following the decision of the Solicitor General, David Collins QC, not to proceed with laying any charges under the Terrorism Suppression legislation.


Politics 8 Nov 2007
Maori Party calls for Dunne to remove his endorsement to Code of Conduct

"If Winston Peters wants to support state forces terrorising Maori communities, then that’s his call, but the man must be a bloody fool if he thinks I’m going to shut up and accept it,” said Hone Harawira, Maori Party MP for Tai Tokerau.


Employment 7 Nov 2007
Maori Party Commends Principled Position of Fire Service

LEESTON — The actions of an individual fire-fighter in Canterbury in protesting about the use of two Maori words on his uniform (whakaratonga iwi), demonstrate the desperate need for Government to put more effort into promoting a unique piece of legislation passed some twenty years ago in 1987.


Maori 7 Nov 2007
Why did it take 20 years to "ADD" te reo Maori

Education Spokesperson for the Maori Party, Te Ururoa Flavell, today expressed amazement that the Government could issue a release confirming that te reo Maori has been added as an official language of New Zealand without at the same time issuing an apology for taking two decades to implement the law.


Police 2 Nov 2007
Research Confirms Strength of Maori Concern about Police actions

Research released today by UMR which found that 41% of Maori surveyed considered that “the police have over-reacted and acted inappropriately” in what the media have described as ‘terror raids’ must make the nation take a long hard look at itself” said Te Ururoa Flavell, Waiariki MP.


Maori 1 Nov 2007
Maori Party pleased at Labour's recognition of the Crisis State of Treaty Settlements

The Maori Party is pleased that the government has finally acknowledged the crisis state of the Treaty Negotiations portfolio by placing the Leader of the House into this challenging area.


Police 29 Oct 2007
Maori Party Statement on Terrorism Suppression Charges

The Maori Party has today responded to the police announcement that evidence has been referred to the Solicitor-General for consideration as to whether consent will be given for them to lay charges under the Terrorism Suppression Act.


Politics 29 Oct 2007
All Political Parties Urged to read Research on Maori Cultural Values

The Maori Party has welcomed research released today by the Nielsen Company and Anthony Wilson, which has found a “sharp rise” in the significance of traditional cultural values amongst tangata whenua.


Politics 29 Oct 2007
No Repeats Mr Peters, says Maori Party

The use of extravagant descriptions of a ‘bunch of malcontents’, of people “prancing around protesting” and “ramming their hymn of hate down our throats” is classic political entertainment, says the Maori Party, and signals the start of NZ First’s Election campaign of personal attack.


Politics 27 Oct 2007
Statement of the Maori Party

HASTINGS — A statement, made in consensus, at the conclusion of the Hui-a-Tau / AGM of the Maori Party at Omahu Marae, Hastings.


Politics 10 Oct 2007
Arbitration Amendment Bill

When my colleague, Hone Harawira last spoke on this Bill, on 8 May this year, he said that land issues are so important for Māori that we were considering an amendment to this bill to refer all Māori land disputes to the Māori Land Court.


Maori 29 Sep 2007
Maori Party finds the 8th Maori Seat

The Maori Party is rapt today that the eighth Maori electorate seat has been found by Te Puni Kokiri in their report, Maori in Australia.


Police 28 Sep 2007
First a Baseball bat, then a hammer….what next to provoke Police violence?

The Maori Party is calling for calm, following the frenzy of calls for taser guns to be introduced as a 'less' lethal weapon in the police arsenal to rely on in a time of crisis.


Maori 25 Sep 2007
Maori Party Celebrates the Power of Whakapapa

The Maori Party today has recognised the changes that have been determined for the 2008 electorate boundaries with a statement that acknowledges the unchanging nature of whakapapa, regardless of boundary movements.


Maori 25 Sep 2007
Māori Party Acknowledges the Changing Face of Tangata Whenua

The demographics of Māori population change have resulted in adjustments to the boundaries of five of the seven Māori electorates.


Real Estate 25 Sep 2007
Maori Party Calls for Results of Landcorp Review to be released

The Prime Minister’s admission that the Government has had to be “very sensitive to where there are historical, recreational, conservation Treaty settlement issues related around Landcorp properties" has been welcomed as a sign of the success of iwi actions in upholding the rangatiratanga of their land said the Maori Party today.


Politics 20 Sep 2007
Climate Change policies couldn't come soon enough says Maori Party

“The time to debate climate change is over” said Tariana Turia, Environment Spokesperson for the Maori Party.


Religion 14 Sep 2007
Maori Party mourns the loss of a 'radical bishop'

Aue, aue! Kua tau te hau tonga, ara te hau makariri o te ringa kaha o Aitua.


Court 14 Sep 2007
Maori Party Welcomes Decision on Ahmed Zaoui

AUCKLAND — The Maori Party has today welcomed the decision made by the Director of Security to withdraw the security risk certificate against the Algerian refugee, Ahmed Zaoui.


News 12 Sep 2007
Banging on about BZP

Kia ora Madam Assistant Speaker.


Real Estate 12 Sep 2007
Property Law Bill

Mr Speaker, Clause 8 of this Bill explicitly states that: “The Bill does not apply to Maori customary land”.


Finance 12 Sep 2007
International Finance Agreements Amendment Bill

I understand that this Bill is intended to amend the International Finance Agreements Act of 1961, so that New Zealand can become a member of the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, and to ratify the Convention Establishing the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency signed by this Labour government in Seoul on 6 September 2005, which links this Agency to others referred to in that Act, including the World Bank, IMF and the International Finance Corporation.


Politics 6 Sep 2007
Broadcasting Amendment Bill

Mr Speaker, this Broadcasting Amendment Bill, gives the House a good opportunity to look back on the first principles of broadcasting in Aotearoa, and when I talk principles, I’m talking about those Treaty principles that both NZ First, and Labour, with their large band of Tontos, have voted to dump from legislation, those Treaty principles that Maori up and down the country hold fast to as the only validation of the Treaty in legislation in this country.


Deaths 4 Sep 2007
Syd Jackson - A True Agent of Transformation

“A true agent of transformation has left us” said Tariana Turia, on hearing of the death of long-time friend and veteran activist, Syd Jackson.


Politics 31 Aug 2007
Rumours around Electoral Reform Changes trouble Maori Party

Speculation that Labour will engineer changes to the Electoral Finance Bill, currently before the Justice and Electoral Reform Committee, threaten to undermine the democratic process says the Maori Party.


Police 31 Aug 2007
Maori Party Pleased the Taser Guns are Being Withdrawn

The Maori Party has today expressed relief at today's announcement that the lethal taser stun guns are being withdrawn at midnight tonight.


TV 31 Aug 2007
Maori Party Questions TVNZ's Maori Programming Strategy

The Maori Party has today confirmed it is seeking briefings from both TVNZ and Te Mangai Paho for the MPs to fire questions around TVNZ’s new Maori programming strategy.


Council 28 Aug 2007
The Land Endures - Rating inquiry report pleases Maori Party

The Maori Party has today congratulated the Independent Panel conducting the Local Government Rates Inquiry for the work they have done in acknowledging the absolute importance of whenua for whanau, hapu and iwi.