Labour Party

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Joined December 2008
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Politics 26 Oct 2012
Job losses grim news for thousands of Coasters

Spring Creek miners have been dealt the grimmest of pre-Christmas blows with news that they no longer have jobs, West Coast-Tasman MP Damien O’Connor says.


Politics 26 Oct 2012
It's the economy, Steven


Politics 25 Oct 2012
National not putting Kiwis first in rebuild

National’s claim it’s putting Kiwis first in the Christchurch rebuild is laughable when half of the workforce is expected to come from overseas, says Labour’s Immigration spokesperson Darien Fenton.


Education 25 Oct 2012
Views sought on far-reaching educational changes

Labour is calling on parents and communities to stand-up for their children and their local schools as the Government tries to ram through its charter school agenda.


Politics 25 Oct 2012
Asset sales obsession hammers Greymouth

John Key’s obsession with selling our assets has cost 220 workers their jobs and shattered the community of Greymouth, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Politics 25 Oct 2012
Speech to Rail and Maritime Transport Union Annual Conference 2012

Phil Twyford  Good morning.  Wayne, Aubrey, delegates.


Politics 25 Oct 2012
Submissions give Bill a fighting start

The first day of public submissions on the Paid Parental Leave Bill showed the importance of flushing out the facts, with tried and tested democratic process, says Labour MP Sue Moroney.


Politics 24 Oct 2012
Wake up Mr Foss and fix teachers' payroll

The Government is in complete denial about the damage done to teachers’ confidence in their pay system by the botched switch to Novopay, says Nanaia Mahuta.


Politics 24 Oct 2012
Time for common sense on climate change

The Maori Party and Peter Dunne are to be commended for coming to their senses and reconsidering their support for the Government's amendments to the Emissions Trading Scheme, Labour’s Climate Change spokesperson Moana Mackey says.


Politics 23 Oct 2012
Parata failing her own consultation guidelines

Labour's Earthquake Recovery spokesperson, Lianne Dalziel, is challenging the Minister of Education to respect her own guidelines when consulting with communities over school closures and mergers.


Politics 23 Oct 2012
Another brain-fade, this time from English

National’s Government-by-amnesia policy has emerged again with Bill English completely forgetting his job creation policy from the last election, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker.


Politics 23 Oct 2012
Collins inflicts unnecessary bureaucratic delay

Labour MP Phil Twyford says Judith Collins, the minister responsible for the Alcohol Reform Bill, is making communities suffer an unnecessary bureaucratic delay before they can take up new powers to regulate local liquor outlets.


Deaths 23 Oct 2012
Kiwis mourn the loss of Sir Wilson Whineray

Labour has extended its sincere sympathy to the family and friends of Sir Wilson Whineray, who passed away yesterday.


Politics 19 Oct 2012
Wake up National

"When will it stop? The total number of New Zealanders who have given up on New Zealand and headed for Oz under National is now over 170,000.  That's more than the total population of Hamilton, or for a South Island comparison, that's more than Dunedin and Invercargill combined,” says David Parker.


Politics 19 Oct 2012
Budget cuts affecting sexual assault investigations

The ability of our Police force to properly investigate sexual assaults has been undermined by National’s budget cuts says Labour’s spokesperson for Police Kris Faafoi.


Politics 18 Oct 2012
Tolley takes charge on charter schools

It was somewhat ironic but hardly surprising that Anne Tolley stepped in to answer questions about charter schools in Parliament today given it was Ms Tolley who recruited Ministry boss Lesley Longstone, a proponent of charter schools in the United Kingdom, and worked on policy settings prior to the 2011 election, Labour’s Education spokesperson Nanaia Mahuta says.


Politics 18 Oct 2012
Non-primary exports fall – Government in denial

Analysis shows that non-primary manufacturing exports are in serious decline, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker.


Politics 18 Oct 2012
Key breaks Valentine's promise

John Key has broken his Valentine’s Day promise this year to upgrade New Zealand’s IT systems.


Politics 18 Oct 2012
Speech: Jobs That Work For You

David Shearer 18 October 2012, Hornby Working Men’s Club Last week, I received a very special Facebook message.


News 18 Oct 2012
Threats to clinic staff cannot be tolerated

SOUTHLAND — Alleged bullying and threats of violence against staff working in Southland’s abortion care facilities have been condemned by Labour’s women’s caucus.


Politics 17 Oct 2012
Teachers still waiting for proper pay day

The Ministry of Education is dragging the chain on fixing the Novopay teachers’ pay system – with some teachers still waiting for problems to be addressed from almost two months ago, says Nanaia Mahuta.


Politics 17 Oct 2012
Gangs and the Govt the biggest risks to Police

Concern from the Police Association that funding constraints may mean gang members trying to infiltrate the force go unnoticed, need to be taken seriously, says Labour’s Police spokesperson Kris Faafoi.


Manufacturing 17 Oct 2012
Non-primary exports' fall restricts job growth

New analysis shows that non-primary manufacturing exports are in serious decline, creating real concerns that opportunities for non-primary export companies and high-wage jobs are deteriorating, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker.


Politics 17 Oct 2012
Business Growth Agenda disappoints on jobs

MoBIE Job Ads data out today confirms that National’s Business Growth Agenda is a huge disappointment on the jobs front, Labour’s economic development spokesperson David Cunliffe said.


News 17 Oct 2012
Speech: Making a Difference - New Zealand's Role in the World

SPEECH TO THE WELLINGTON BRANCH, NZ INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS 16 October 2012 Lecture Theatre One Old Government Buildings Mr Chairman, Members of the Diplomatic Corps, Ladies and Gentlemen.


Politics 17 Oct 2012
ETS process a rubber stamping exercise

The Climate Change Response Amendment Bill reported back from the Finance and Expenditure select committee today is largely unchanged from the original, proving the truncated process to be nothing more than a rubber stamping exercise, Labour's Climate Change spokesperson Moana Mackey says.


Politics 17 Oct 2012
Government must recalculate Paid Parental Leave veto

Labour MP Sue Moroney is calling on the Government to withdraw its threat of a financial veto against her Paid Parental Leave Bill following confirmation that its figures are grossly inflated.


Politics 17 Oct 2012
Labour signals qualified support for fast-tracked Auckland plan

Labour’s Auckland Issues spokesperson Phil Twyford says the party is giving qualified support to the fast-tracking of the Auckland Unitary Plan so the Council can get on with tackling the city’s housing crisis, as long as there is a fair process that guarantees the community a say.


Politics 17 Oct 2012
10 years of promoting good governance and the rule of law

The Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption (GOPAC) celebrates its 10th anniversary today.


Politics 17 Oct 2012
Govt must address fail grade for freshwater

A Ministry for the Environment report that shows that more than half of the freshwater recreational sites surveyed have poor or very poor water quality should be a wake-up call for the Government to do more to protect our waterways, Grant Robertson, Labour’s Environment Spokesperson says.


Politics 17 Oct 2012
Minister ignores half of our vulnerable kids

New figures out this week show Paula Bennett’s White Paper on Vulnerable Children is way off the mark with its focus on up to 30,000 “at risk” kids, Labour’s Social Development spokesperson Jacinda Ardern says.


Politics 17 Oct 2012
Tremain's non-response to review puts people and property at risk

Civil Defence Minister Chris Tremain must explain why he rejected an independent review’s recommendation intended to stop putting ‘people and property at risk’, says Labour’s Civil Defence & Emergency Management spokesperson Lianne Dalziel.


Politics 16 Oct 2012
Low inflation further proof of Labour's argument

The lowest price rises in over a decade show that inflation is no longer the only pressing economic issue and the Reserve Bank must be given the ability to give equal consideration to the exchange rate, as Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker has long argued.


Politics 15 Oct 2012
Forcing SOE sales through sells Kiwis short

The Government’s decision to blindly plough on with the sale of Mighty River Power despite threats of legal action will cost Kiwis millions of dollars, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Politics 15 Oct 2012
Urgent inquiry needed to restore confidence in MSD

If Paula Bennett is to have any chance of restoring the public’s faith in her Ministry she needs to launch an urgent independent inquiry into the security lapse uncovered yesterday, Labour’s Social Development spokesperson Jacinda Ardern says.


Politics 15 Oct 2012
Train teachers for Kiwi classrooms

Student teachers need to know they have a future in Kiwi classrooms, says Labour’s Tertiary Education spokesperson, Grant Robertson.


Politics 15 Oct 2012
MSD breach of privacy staggering

The revelation that MSD and Child Youth and Family have been involved in a massive and serious breach of privacy is not only staggering, it compromises the entire premise of Paula Bennett's white paper says Labour’s spokesperson for Social Development and Children, Jacinda Ardern.


Politics 13 Oct 2012
Better late than never for retirement residents

Retirement village residents cheated out of rightful compensation following the Christchurch earthquakes have finally been given a reprieve from the Government, 17 months after they raised their concerns, says Labour’s spokesperson for Building and Construction Raymond Huo.


Politics 13 Oct 2012
Protest shows tenants won't go quietly

The protest in Glen Innes last night calling for a moratorium on National’s state housing sell-off shows  the community is staunch in its opposition to the Government’s renewal and refurbishment plan, says Labour’s Housing spokesperson Annette King.


Politics 13 Oct 2012
PM must confirm or deny Dotcom comment

Labour is calling on the Prime Minister to search his memory and confirm whether he did in fact make reference to Kim Dotcom during a visit to the agency on February 29th.


Politics 13 Oct 2012
Did spies catch Key on tape on Dotcom?

Labour is calling on the Prime Minister and the Government Communications Security Bureau to confirm whether an audio-visual recording exists of John Key addressing staff at the agency during a visit on February 29th.


Politics 11 Oct 2012
Left hand and right at odds over State house sell-off

As state housing tenants around the country become ever more vocal about the poor treatment they are receiving from the Government, it appears Housing NZ and Housing Minister, Phil Heatley, are not singing from the same songbook, Labour’s Housing spokesperson Annette King says.


Politics 11 Oct 2012
Govt in denial over manufacturing crisis

John Key and Steven Joyce are in complete denial about the crisis in manufacturing, and need to pull their heads out of the sand and get real, says David Cunliffe.


News 11 Oct 2012
Opening Address for Association of Wall & Ceiling Industries Conference

Lianne Dalziel   It is a great pleasure to open your conference today on behalf of our spokesperson on Building & Construction, Raymond Huo, who was unable to be here today.


Politics 11 Oct 2012
Lost opportunity for our children

The Government's much trumpeted white paper may help us better detect child abuse, but is a lost opportunity to make New Zealand the best country in the world to be a child, says Labour's spokesperson for Social Development and Children, Jacinda Ardern.


Politics 11 Oct 2012
Don't make Christchurch kids charter school guinea pigs

Parents and students in Christchurch have every right to be worried about the Government using the education recovery process to experiment with privatised education and charter schools on them, Labour's Associate Education spokesperson Chris Hipkins says.


Politics 10 Oct 2012
White Paper must live up to expectations

If Paula Bennett’s White Paper on Vulnerable Children is to have a real and long-lasting impact it must acknowledge and address the issues around child poverty in New Zealand, Labour’s Social Development spokesperson and Spokesperson for Children Jacinda Ardern says.


Politics 10 Oct 2012
National sends wrong message to Pacific youth with low wage rates

National's plan to introduce youth rates sends a message to the young Pacific workforce in New Zealand that it’s okay to be resigned to a future of less opportunity and low pay, Labour’s Pacific Affairs spokesperson Su’a William Sio says.


Politics 10 Oct 2012
IMF shows it's time to stop fighting yesterday's war

The IMF's latest World Economic Outlook report (WEO) shows that New Zealand needs to move beyond using a 20 year old monetary policy and join the modern world to protect jobs and the economy, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Politics 10 Oct 2012
Latest sanctions show failure on jobs

A staggering increase in the use of sanctions in the last four years shows Paula Bennett’s welfare reforms are nothing more than a dog whistle to hide her failure to move people into jobs, Labour’s Social Development spokesperson Jacinda Ardern says.


Politics 10 Oct 2012
Yet another SOE selloff stuff-up

Responses to questions about the sell-off of Mighty River Power show SOE Minister Tony Ryall has either cancelled plans to sell the company or has provided another notch on the shambles stick of the SOE selloff, Labour’s State Owned Enterprises spokesperson Clayton Cosgrove says.


Politics 10 Oct 2012
Parata abandons teacher quality

The Education Minister has effectively given up on improving teacher quality and her plan to require all new teachers to have a postgraduate qualification, says Labour’s Education spokesperson, Nanaia Mahuta.


Politics 10 Oct 2012
No time better than today to acknowledge housing crisis

It’s hardly something to celebrate, but today - World Homeless Day - is an opportune time for the National Government to acknowledge New Zealand has a growing housing crisis that needs to be addressed, Labour’s Housing spokesperson Annette King says.


Politics 10 Oct 2012
Collins' back-track only the first step

Justice Minister Judith Collins' back-track on some of National's harshest proposals to cut back on legal aid availability is to be commended, but there are still outstanding issues that point to a justice system in crisis, Labour’s Justice spokesperson Charles Chauvel says.


Politics 10 Oct 2012
Out of touch Key says: 'Crisis? What crisis?'

John Key’s Crisis? What Crisis? response to the thousands of jobs being lost in manufacturing shows he has lost touch with the reality on the ground in New Zealand, says Labour’s Economic Development spokesperson David Cunliffe.


Politics 10 Oct 2012
Full Independent Inquiry Needed Into Govt's Handling Of Huawei

The Government must launch a full independent inquiry into the Government’s handling of Chinese company Huawei’s share of the $1.35 billion ultrafast broadband rollout after reports the United States Congress accused the company of bribery and spying, says Labour’s acting Communications and IT spokesperson David Cunliffe.


Politics 9 Oct 2012
Government disappoints again on skills

Labour says the Government’s plans for a "hub" to help Canterbury employers find skilled workers is too little and too late.


Politics 9 Oct 2012
Joyce good in theory, Parata poor in practice

The Government needs to get serious about helping more young people into further education, training and employment if the country is to harness the full potential of all our young people says Labour’s Education Spokesperson, Nanaia Mahuta.


Politics 9 Oct 2012
Putting power back in the hands of Cantabrians

Thank you for welcoming us here to Christchurch for our out-of-Parliament caucus.


Politics 9 Oct 2012
Low wage future no future at all

National's plan to pay young Kiwis low wages will just see them saving up their $10 an hour for a plane ticket to Australia, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Politics 9 Oct 2012
Buck passing between CERA and Christchurch Council must stop!

The review of Port Hills land zoning appeal processes announced today shows a gaping hole between CERA and the Council, and Port Hills residents are falling into it, says Port Hills MP Ruth Dyson.


Disability 9 Oct 2012
Speech to NZ Association of Blind Citizens

Clare Curran The New Zealand Labour Party has a proud history of engaging with and empowering the disability community and people with disabilities.


Politics 9 Oct 2012
Ryall needs to get real on poverty

The Minister of Health needs to target poverty with as much enthusiasm as he approaches his easy targets, says Labour's Health Spokesperson, Maryan Street.


Politics 8 Oct 2012
Sick kids can't learn

"It's time for the Government to wake up and admit that growing inequality prevents thousands of kids from getting the most out of their education," says Labour’s Education Spokesperson Nanaia Mahuta.


Politics 8 Oct 2012
More manufacturing jobs lost as dollar hurts bottom line

The high dollar is part of the problem yet again as the Christchurch Engine Centre announced it is cutting 40 jobs while even the Government’s biggest supporters call for change, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker and Economic Development spokesperson David Cunliffe.


Politics 8 Oct 2012
Joyce's manufacturing make-believe

Steven Joyce is peddling manufacturing make-believe, wrongly claiming the sector has been growing for the past two years, says Labour’s Economic Development spokesperson David Cunliffe.


Politics 8 Oct 2012
Housing Minister's silly game prompts complaint to Speaker

Housing Minister Phil Heatley’s continued ‘arrogance’ and obfuscation has prompted a complaint to the Speaker from Labour’s Housing spokesperson, Annette King.


Politics 8 Oct 2012
RadioWorks shonky deal should be the last

The final repayment of Steven Joyce’s dodgy loan to RadioWorks is good news but is a reminder that the Government is too willing to do mates’ rates deals, says Labour’s Economic Development spokesperson David Cunliffe.


Politics 8 Oct 2012
National's jobs fail sends youth to Australia

New analysis shows thousands of young Kiwis are leaving for Australia because of our failed job market, not the lure of the lucky country, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker.

Youth Unemployment & Migration to Australia, June 2011-June 2012


Politics 8 Oct 2012
Joyce's stubborn refusal to accept high dollar costs jobs

Steven Joyce’s stubborn refusal to acknowledge that the currency is overvalued is costing Kiwis jobs, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker.


Politics 8 Oct 2012
Government needs to send clear message about migrant work abuse

The abuse of migrant workers risks becoming a scandal of similar magnitude to the exploitation of foreign fishing crew if the government fails to step up its enforcement and prosecution of employers who breach our labour and minimum wage laws, Labour's spokesperson for Labour Issues and Immigration, Darien Fenton, says.