Green Party

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The Green Charter The charter is the founding document of The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand. The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand accepts Te Tiriti o Waitangi as the founding document of Aotearoa New Zealand; recognises Maori as Tangata Whenua in Aotearoa New Zealand; and commits to the following four Principles: Ecological Wisdom: The basis of ecological wisdom is that human beings are part of the natural world. 

Joined August 2007
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Politics 25 Nov 2011
Green Party campaign wraps up

The Green Party wrapped up its campaign today (Nov.


Finance 24 Nov 2011
What is Key hiding about SOE sales?

John Key can release Treasury advice on the sale of state-owned assets demonstrating he has nothing to hide on this key election issue, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Politics 23 Nov 2011
National set to repeat same privatisation mistakes made with Telecom

The National Party is planning to sell state assets at the time when they are likely to start returning significantly higher dividends, the Green Party said today.


Politics 23 Nov 2011
Asset sales would be a victory for ideology over experience

The Green Party has stepped up their campaign against National's plan to sell our state assets, saying it makes no economic sense and will repeat the privatisation mistakes of the 1990s.


Politics 23 Nov 2011
Secret state owned assets documents must be released

Treasury documents relating to the sale of state owned assets must be released prior to the election, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Politics 22 Nov 2011
Green Party has solutions to child poverty problems

The Green Party has a plan to address the child poverty problems highlighted in the TV3 documentary Inside Child Poverty tonight, Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei said.


Politics 22 Nov 2011
National's attack on Green costings misleading

The Green Party was surprised to receive a lesson on fiscal responsibility from the National Government today - a Government that recently received a double credit downgrade in response to their management of the New Zealand economy.


Politics 22 Nov 2011
Greens stand alongside Thames community

The Green Party will stand alongside the community of Thames after the discovery of a contaminated site at Moanataiari in Thames, Green Party toxics spokesperson Catherine Delahunty said today.


Politics 22 Nov 2011
Green Party plans to simplify tax for SMEs

Simplified tax compliance for small businesses is one of a number of measures the Green Party has promised small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) today.


Disability 22 Nov 2011
Greens push to make elections more accessible

AUCKLAND — The Green Party called today for New Zealand’s elections and political system to be made more accessible for people in disability communities.


Politics 21 Nov 2011
Water is the key environmental issue this election

The Green Party has said that cleaning up New Zealand's polluted rivers and lakes has become the key environmental issue of the election, and they want to take charge of the issue after the election whether National or Labour are leading the next Government.


Politics 20 Nov 2011
Green Party will change law to ensure equal pay

The Green Party has said modernising the Equal Pay Act to bring it up to date with current employment practices is a key issue it wants to work with the next Government on, and there is evidence business is ok with the move.


Energy 20 Nov 2011
Another spill shows huge risks with deep sea oil drilling

Petrobras who is planning to drill off the east coast of New Zealand has been involved in another deep sea oil spill.


Politics 19 Nov 2011
IPCC report shows need for action on climate change

The latest IPCC report on climate change highlights the need for the next Government to take urgent action on the issue.


Politics 18 Nov 2011
Improvements to mine safety overdue

Underground mine safety must be dealt with immediately by any post-election by the next Government, West Coast-based Green Party MP Kevin Hague said today.


Politics 18 Nov 2011
Green Co-leaders visit South Auckland School

PAPAKURA — Green Party Co-leaders Metiria Turei and Dr Russel Norman visited Edmund Hillary School today to highlight their Party's election priority of getting 100,000 kids out of poverty by 2014.


Politics 17 Nov 2011
John Key needs to stop deep sea oil drilling

John Key needs to tell New Zealanders what he discussed with American oil company Anadarko when he met its CEO on Tuesday, said the Green Party today.


Politics 17 Nov 2011
Trans-Pacific trade agreement puts ZESPRI at risk

Behind-doors negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement could sacrifice single seller organisations like ZESPRI for no clear advantages in return, the Green Party said today.


Politics 17 Nov 2011
Tape saga going from ridiculous to dangerous

The over-reaction of the Prime Minister John Key to the tea-tape saga sets a dangerous precedent, Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei said today.


Environment 17 Nov 2011
Green Party launches oil spill protection plan

The Green Party today launched its plan to protect the environment from oil spills.


Government 16 Nov 2011
Green Party media comment on National benefit changes

“Benefit fraud is not the biggest issue facing New Zealand’s welfare system.


Politics 15 Nov 2011
Greens promise better balance to Wellington's transport funding

The Green Party have promised a better balance to transport funding in the Wellington region at their transport policy launch today.


Politics 14 Nov 2011
Greens reveal that councils are turning a blind eye to stock in waterways

Regional councils and unitary authorities issued only five infringement notices within the last twelve months in response to breaches of stock exclusion rules, revealed Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman today.


Politics 14 Nov 2011
NZ must toughen up pathetic animal welfare laws

The Minister of Agriculture David Carter must toughen up New Zealand's weak animal welfare codes that mean hens can be kept in horrifyingly cruel conditions, Green Party animal welfare spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.


Politics 14 Nov 2011
Greens launch Auckland transport priorities

The Green Party launched its transport policy today with Auckland's first ever press conference on a bus.


Trade 13 Nov 2011
Key must come clean about TPP before election

John Key needs to be absolutely clear with the New Zealand public before the election about what is being traded off in the interest of signing the Trans-Pacific Partnership, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Politics 12 Nov 2011
Young Greens' launch campaign online

Green MP Gareth Hughes today hosted the Young Greens' campaign launch via a live streaming video.


Environment 9 Nov 2011
Nat's environment policy lets down NZ

National's environment policy lets down the New Zealand public, who in a recent poll, ranked the environment as the number one issue for this election, said the Green Party today.


Legal 9 Nov 2011
Greens make a real NZ First

The Green Party is performing a real New Zealand first today by exclusively launching its new Copyright (Parody and Satire) Amendment Bill in an online forum.


Politics 8 Nov 2011
Green Party and musicians work together to get youth enrolled

The Green Party launched the ‘Hey Kiwi’ campaign today, designed to get young Kiwis and expats overseas to enrol in the up-coming general election.


Politics 8 Nov 2011
No implicit Govt. guarantee with public KiwiSaver

There would be no implicit Government guarantee with a public KiwiSaver fund, the Green Party said today.


Government 8 Nov 2011
Labour's Children Policy — Green Party

Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei welcomed the announcement of the Labour Party’s policy on children saying that it was good Labour were finally addressing child poverty.


Deaths 8 Nov 2011
Greens pay respect to Allan Peachey

The Green Party expressed it’s sincere sympathy to the family and colleagues of Allan Peachey MP for Tamaki who passed away today.


Politics 7 Nov 2011
Greens welcome Every Child Counts pledge

All Green MPs will be signing Every Child Count's new political pledge for children, Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei said today.


Politics 7 Nov 2011
Greens' proposal will increase KiwiSaver nest egg

The Green Party is proposing to boost the value of KiwiSavers' retirement nest egg by creating a 'public option' provider that will give savers tens of thousands of dollars in fee savings over the lifetime of their investment.


Conservation 4 Nov 2011
Love it, protect it — Green Party Conservation Policy Launch

The Green Party today launched its conservation policy which will fund conservation properly and protect the endangered native species that New Zealanders love.


Politics 3 Nov 2011
ANZ's record profits are strip mining New Zealand's economy of capital

Record profits posted by ANZ bank today highlight the on-going weakness of having 95 percent of our banking industry owned by Australians, said Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman today.


Education 3 Nov 2011
No place for National Standards in education say Greens

National standards have no place in our schools, Green Party Education Spokesperson Catherine Delahunty said today.


Politics 2 Nov 2011
Aussie banks continue to post record profits (and send them offshore)

Record bank profitability and dividend payments of our overseas-owned banks highlights an on-going structural weakness in our economy, said Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman today.


Environment 2 Nov 2011
Greens welcome Fed Farmers' sustainability commitment

The Green Party welcomed Federated Farmers' commitment to environmental sustainability expressed today at the launch of its 2011 General Election Manifesto.


Politics 1 Nov 2011
National picks wrong horse with welfare policy

National has backed a loser with its welfare policy launch on Melbourne Cup day, Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei said today.


Politics 1 Nov 2011
Green Party welcomes Palestinian statehood

The Green Party has welcomed UNESCO member states' decision to recognise Palestine as an independent state despite the fact the New Zealand Government chose to abstain on the vote.


Politics 31 Oct 2011
National plans selling assets returning 17.6% pa

The Green Party is questioning the National Party's decision to fund new infrastructure by selling state-owned assets (SOEs) that have returned, on average, 17.6 percent per annum over the last five years.


Politics 30 Oct 2011
CoOl will be Green priority in post-election agreement

Mandatory country of origin labelling of fresh food will be one of the priority issues the Green Party will seek to negotiate in any post-election policy agreement.


Transport 29 Oct 2011
National's transport plan ignores Aucklanders

National's Auckland transport policy confirms they won't listen to Auckland's pleas for a vibrant city with better buses and trains, said the Green Party today.


Deaths 29 Oct 2011
Greens acknowledge Kerr as respected opponent

The Green Party today acknowledged the death of Roger Kerr, saying he was a principled man and respected opponent.


Conservation 28 Oct 2011
Greens and Govt launch Phase II of new possum trap plan

Green Party Conservation spokesperson Kevin Hague and Minister of Conservation Kate Wilkinson today launched Phase II of the Department of Conservation's (DOC) trial of self-resetting possum traps in Northland's Trounson Kauri Park.


Politics 28 Oct 2011
National attacks students and young workers

National plan to return youth rates by stealth, Green Party youth affairs spokesperson Gareth Hughes said today.


Politics 28 Oct 2011
Green Party to go head to head with Key/Goff debate

The Green Party is mounting a challenge to the John Key/Phil Goff election debate on TVNZ on Monday October 31 by holding at the same time an interactive online programme called The Green Room, the party announced today.


Building 28 Oct 2011
Christchurch Cathedral decision right one for the future

CHRISTCHURCH — The decision to undertake a controlled demolition of the Christchurch Cathedral is the right decision, said the Green Party today.


Politics 27 Oct 2011
Greens would fund 60 percent of CBD rail

Central Government can afford to fund at least sixty percent of Auckland CBD rail link, to boost the economy and give Aucklanders better options to get around their city, said the Green Party today.


Politics 27 Oct 2011
Royal succession changes must end all discrimination against Catholics

Green MP Keith Locke says that any changes to the royal succession laws must end all discrimination against Catholics.


Environment 27 Oct 2011
Greens call on Fonterra to help protect waterways

As the Maui gas leak continues to limit milk processing capabilities, the Green Party is calling on Fonterra to assess which farmers have the ability to dispose of unprocessed milk safely, and intervene to support farmers who do not.


Politics 26 Oct 2011
Greens welcome NZahead report

Another report highlighting high levels of hardship among our children provides more reasons to invest in bringing children out of poverty, the Green Party said today.


Politics 26 Oct 2011
Treasury predicts persistent cash deficits

The results of the Pre-Election Economic and Fiscal Update (PREFU) show that Treasury are predicting persistent cash deficits and growing government debt continuing beyond June 2016, calling into question the National Government's fiscal and economic management, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Politics 25 Oct 2011
Key must come clean about TPP and Pharmac before election

John Key needs to be absolutely clear with the New Zealand public before the election about whether he would trade off Pharmac in the interest of signing the Trans-Pacific Partnership, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Marine 21 Oct 2011
Greens question seafarer training standards

The Government should investigate the adequacy of Filipino seafarer training, in light of serious concerns raised by the European Commission, said the Green Party today.


Politics 19 Oct 2011
New Game Animal bill undermines conservation

Neither the Minister of Conservation nor any government agency is willing to support the Game and Animal Council Bill, the Green Party said today.


Business 19 Oct 2011
Govt. can give Bay of Plenty businesses certainty today

BAY OF PLENTY — The Government needs to put in place a financial support plan for businesses in the Bay of Plenty affected by the Rena oil disaster now rather than wait until Christmas, the Green Party said today.


Environment 19 Oct 2011
Greens and Govt launch second phase of Tui clean up

WAIKATO — The Green Party and the Government today launched phase two of the $16.2 million clean-up of the Tui Mine site near Te Aroha.


Marine 19 Oct 2011
Radioactive shipping not worth the risk

TAURANGA — The grounding of the cargo ship Rena near Tauranga Harbour shows the risks to New Zealand of moving Australian uranium yellowcake through our ports, said the Green Party today.


Corrections 18 Oct 2011
Prisoner bill knocks out safeguards

A Bill tabled in Parliament last week knocks out one of the key safeguards against prisoners getting abused in our prisons, the Green Party said today.


Politics 17 Oct 2011
NZ public must not be kept in dark on TPP

The New Zealand public has the right to know what public servants are willing to negotiate away in order to conclude the Trans Pacific Partnership agreement, Green Party trade spokesperson Kennedy Graham said today.


Politics 14 Oct 2011
Rena inquiry must look at turning back 90s deregulation

Any inquiry resulting from the Rena disaster must look at the impact that deregulation has had on New Zealand's coastal shipping, Green Party Oceans spokesperson Gareth Hughes said today.


Business 13 Oct 2011
Govt. needs to consider economic support for Bay of Plenty businesses

BAY OF PLENTY — The Government needs to start putting together a financial support plan for businesses in the Bay of Plenty affected by the Rena oil disaster, the Green Party said today.


Marine 13 Oct 2011
Government must release review of oil spills

TAURANGA — The Government should release all information relating to their decision not to purchase an emergency response multi purpose vessel that could have removed oil from the Rena, says the Green Party.


Politics 11 Oct 2011
Steven Joyce caught lying over Rena accusations

The Green Party has released email correspondence showing that Steven Joyce lied on TVNZ's Close Up show last night when he said, "I have not had a single request of my office or of the Ministry for any briefing from any opposition politician whatsoever." "The Green Party did seek a briefing on the Rena situations directly from Steven Joyce.


Politics 11 Oct 2011
Govt needs to rethink Food Bill's reach

Home gardeners, people who barter or swap food, sell food directly to consumers, and small growers, should be exempt from food regulations contained in a new Food Bill, Green Party food spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.


Politics 11 Oct 2011
Better communication needed in Tauranga

TAURANGA — The Green Party is calling on the Government to have better engagement with locals concerned about the Rena cargo ship, grounded on a reef near Tauranga Harbour.


Defence 11 Oct 2011
NZ must review SAS role after UN Report on prisoner torture

The Government must review the SAS’s role in joint operations with the Afghan Crisis Response Unit after the release of a United Nations report detailing widespread torture in Afghan detention facilities, Green Party Defence spokesperson Keith Locke said today.


Politics 8 Oct 2011
Greens call on Govt. to release Rena's cargo list

The Green Party is today calling on the Government to release the Rena's cargo manifest — a document detailing the contents of the 2000 containers on board the stricken vessel.


Marine 8 Oct 2011
Greens call on Govt. to release Rena's cargo list

BAY OF PLENTY — The Green Party is today calling on the Government to release the Rena’s cargo manifest — a document detailing the contents of the 2000 containers on board the stricken vessel.


Politics 7 Oct 2011
Greens win tighter rules on gifts and hospitality

The Green Party is welcoming news that Treasury and other departments will be tightening their rules around staff accepting gifts and hospitality, following a complaint to the State Services Commissioner by the Green Party.


Politics 7 Oct 2011
Will Govt take full control of Tauranga spill?

The Government can take over full legal responsibility for the salvage as well as the clean-up of the Rena cargo ship leaking oil into the ocean near Tauranga Harbour, the Green Party said today.


Politics 7 Oct 2011
Govt signals corporate fraud a low priority

Commerce Minister Simon Power missed his chance to tighten up company law before Parliament rose, the Green Party said today.


Politics 6 Oct 2011
Credit downgrade starts to bite

Results of the Government's first long-term bond tender since the credit downgrade show that the cost of borrowing has started to rise, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Politics 6 Oct 2011
NZ climate change targets rated 'inadequate'

As preparation for the Durban climate change talks takes place in Panama this week, the Green Party observed today that the Government's targets have been rated as 'inadequate' by an internationally respected institute.


Employment 6 Oct 2011
Slow income growth shows need for higher minimum wage

New figures showing the smallest rise in hourly earnings in over a decade highlight the urgent need to raise the minimum wage and make sure that vulnerable families can make ends meet, the Green Party said today.


Politics 5 Oct 2011
Greens lead way on MPs remuneration changes

New legislation that takes some decisions regarding MPs' and ministers' entitlements out of the hands of MPs will be good for transparency, Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei said today.


Politics 5 Oct 2011
Greens question Treasury spend-up on consultants

Over the last two-and-a-half years, Treasury has employed the services of 200 consultants costing taxpayers $13.8 million, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman revealed today.


Politics 5 Oct 2011
Govt, let the navy protect whales

The Green Party is today calling on the Government to send an offshore patrol vessel to monitor the planned Japanese whale hunt in the Southern Ocean and ensure the safety of protest vessels.


Politics 5 Oct 2011
Greens support Parliamentary cleaners

The Green Party supports the Parliamentary cleaners' bid for better wages, Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei says.


Politics 4 Oct 2011
Earthquake levy cheaper than credit downgrade

The Green Party's earthquake levy would have cost householders considerably less than likely interest rate rises as a result of the recent credit downgrades, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Politics 4 Oct 2011
Greens call for Govt to stop supporting cruel hen cages

The Government needs to come clean and tell New Zealanders whether or not it intends to phase out all cage systems for hens, Green Party animal welfare spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.


Politics 4 Oct 2011
Bill gives all state agencies free reign

The Video Surveillance Bill as it has come back from the Select Committee remains offensive to the rule of law, Green Party Police spokesperson Keith Locke said today.


Politics 2 Oct 2011
Govt bungling adds cost of earthquake levy to mortgages

The Government's decision not to introduce an earthquake levy to pay for the rebuild of Christchurch means we will be paying at least the cost of the levy in increased mortgage payments, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Politics 30 Sep 2011
S&P downgrade shows Government's economic management in disarray

Standard and Poor's sovereign credit downgrade this afternoon is further evidence that the Government's economic management is in disarray, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Politics 30 Sep 2011
Fitch fails Government's management of the economy

Fitch Ratings has given the thumbs down to the National Government's management of the New Zealand economy by downgrading the country's creditworthiness for failing to address major structural savings and investment imbalances in our economy, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Defence 30 Sep 2011
Wardak raid needs thorough inquiry

There needs to be a thorough inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the death of SAS soldier Leon Smith in Afghanistan's Wardak province this week, Green Party foreign affairs spokesperson Keith Locke said today.


Conservation 30 Sep 2011
New research shows Hector's dolphins under threat

"Our damaging fishing practices in New Zealand are threatening Hector's dolphins with extinction, and the world is beginning to find out," said Green Party Oceans Spokesperson Gareth Hughes.


Politics 30 Sep 2011
Does Nick Smith know what a subsidy is?

Following his answers at Question Time in the House today, the Green Party is questioning whether Minister of Climate Change Issues Nick Smith knows what the word 'subsidy' means.


Water 30 Sep 2011
Lincoln Uni report shows widespread support for irrigation charge

An extensive new Lincoln University study has found that water pollution is rated by New Zealanders as the most important environmental issue facing our country and that New Zealanders want solutions that include stronger regulation of polluters and a price on the use of irrigation water, said the Green Party today.


Employment 29 Sep 2011
Green Party supports Aged Care Charter

The Green Party strongly supports the Aged Care Charter and the call for compulsory safe staffing levels, and fair pay and conditions for aged care workers, Green Party aged care spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.


Maori 28 Sep 2011
Inquiry into status of Māori children begins - Aotearoa Equality Group media release

Inquiry into status of Māori children begins The terms of reference for the Māori Affairs select committee inquiry into the status and wellbeing of Māori Children were today confirmed.


Politics 28 Sep 2011
Greens welcome new EMA CEO's vision

The Green Party today welcomed comments made by the newly appointed head of the Employers and Manufacturers Association (EMA) - Kim Campbell - who believes sustainability offers New Zealand firms 'the greatest business opportunity in a generation'.


Politics 28 Sep 2011
Minister needs to keep his head down on VSM

Minister of Tertiary Education Steven Joyce has one last chance to reconsider his support for the voluntary student membership (VSM) bill, the Green Party said today.


Water 27 Sep 2011
Auditor-General report shows need for stronger water regulation

A report by the Office of the Auditor-General highlights the need for strong national direction to clean up our freshwater, direction which the Government has so-far failed to provide, the Green Party said today.


Politics 27 Sep 2011
More transparency from DoC needed over Denniston Mine

The Minister of Conservation has refused to take any action over a potential conflict of interest after a Department of Conservation (DoC) employee with a senior role in respect to the application Department's strategy on the Denniston Plateau was revealed to now be working for the company that intends to mine the ecologically sensitive area, the Green Party said today.


Politics 27 Sep 2011
WHO survey shows Akl needs smart green transport

AUCKLAND — A World Health Organisation (WHO) survey released today shows that Auckland needs a smart green transport plan for cleaner air.


Politics 26 Sep 2011
McCully should come clean on where NZ stands on Palestine

New Zealand Foreign Affairs Minister Murray McCully needs to come clean on whether he supports the United Nations recognising Palestine as a state, Green Party foreign affairs spokesperson Keith Locke said today.