Labour Party

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Joined December 2008
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Employment 28 Jun 2012
Bill would ensure CEO pay transparency

Local Government executives could have their salaries put under the microscope, a measure the public have been calling for, says Labour’s spokesperson for Local Government, Annette King.


Education 28 Jun 2012
Education Minister lacks solid action plan

Lifting the achievement of Maori and Pacific learners is about more than arbitrary targets, and begins before our kids even get to school, says Labour’s Education spokesperson Nanaia Mahuta.


Defence 28 Jun 2012
Defence Force morale at an all-time low

Defence Force morale has plummeted to an all-time low under the National-led Government and we are now seeing the highest ever number of personnel indicating they’re planning to quit, says Labour’s Defence Spokesperson Iain Lees-Galloway.


Politics 28 Jun 2012
Speech: Green Growth

Grant Robertson  |  Thursday, June 28, 2012 - 13:54 SPEECH NOTES FOR NEW LYNN LABOUR PARTY MEETING ON GREEN GROWTH Introduction Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you today.


Conservation 28 Jun 2012
Better safe than sorry for Maui's Dolphins

Ministers Kate Wilkinson and David Carter have missed what could be the last chance to save Maui's dolphin.


Politics 28 Jun 2012
Holiday Bill expected to come before Parliament tonight

MPs will have the chance to ensure New Zealanders are not robbed of any of their hard-earned public holidays if Labour MP David Clark’s Mondayisation bill comes before Parliament as expected this evening.


Internet 28 Jun 2012
'Ultra-Slow Broadband' isn't what Kiwis were promised

Three-and-a-half years after taking office, the National Government has managed to connect only 1012 households to its much trumpeted ultrafast broadband scheme, says Labour’s Communications and IT spokesperson Clare Curran.


Politics 28 Jun 2012
KiwiRail next asset to go on the auction block

KiwiRail is being lined up by National as the next asset to go on the auction block just 24 hours after it passed a new law allowing it to sell-off our power companies and national airline, says Labour’s SOEs Spokesperson Clayton Cosgrove.


Politics 28 Jun 2012
RIP Back Benches

Labour’s Broadcasting spokesperson Clare Curran says she will tonight join a packed audience to watch the final ever live filming of the Back Benches television show.


Politics 28 Jun 2012
Parliament supports Arms Trade Treaty

A motion passed by all parties in Parliament today will ensure that New Zealand's commitment to the negotiation of a comprehensive and robust Arms Trade Treaty is strong and forceful, says Labour’s Disarmament and Arms Control spokesperson Maryan Street.


Export 27 Jun 2012
Export decline confirms lack of a plan

Facts have a way of cutting through spin, says Labour’s Economic Development spokesperson David Cunliffe, commenting on the latest trade statistics that show exports declined 4.4 per cent in the year from May 2011 to May 2012.


Employment 27 Jun 2012
Another tragic closure as economy founders

The closure of yet another South Auckland factory, with the loss of another 85 jobs, is a tragic indictment of the Government’s continuing failure to get the New Zealand economy moving again, says Labour’s Employment spokesperson Su’a William Sio.


Politics 27 Jun 2012
Asset sales will haunt National-led Government

The passing of legislation allowing the sell-off of our energy companies and Air New Zealand is a national tragedy, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Politics 27 Jun 2012
Does National think wage gap with Australia has closed enough?

The wage gap with Australia is yawning, but the Government insists its target for closing the gap has been met, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker.


Conservation 27 Jun 2012
'Minister for Looking' beggars belief

Conservation Minister, Kate Wilkinson, stunned members of the Local Government and Environment Select Committee this morning by feigning ignorance in response to concerns about mineral wealth investigations in World Heritage sites on the West Coast.


Politics 27 Jun 2012
Government must explain role in ticketing fiasco

The Government has a number of questions to answer over its involvement in Auckland’s integrated ticketing fiasco, says Labour’s Transport spokesperson Phil Twyford.


Politics 26 Jun 2012
0.6 per cent Dunne selling New Zealanders out

Unless Peter Dunne puts Kiwi interests ahead of his own, the casting vote to sell our state-owned power companies and national airline will be delivered by a party that gained 0.6 per cent of the vote at the last election, says Labour SOEs spokesperson Clayton Cosgrove.


Education 26 Jun 2012
Waffle and words won't increase skills and knowledge

The Government’s announcement of a target to modestly increase the number of graduates from degrees and high level trade programmes fails on two counts - a lack of ambition and the absence of any concrete actions to get there, says Labour’s Tertiary Education, Skills and Training Spokesperson Grant Robertson.


Agriculture 26 Jun 2012
Fonterra vote means Labour's amendment needed

Today’s Fonterra vote means changes proposed by Labour are needed to protect farmer control and ownership, Labour’s Primary Industries spokesperson Damien O’Connor says.


Politics 26 Jun 2012
Top ten targets National isn't setting

No ideas for improving the economy have been included in the Government’s release of so-called ambitious targets today, despite ballooning debt, declining exports and slow job growth, says Labour’s Finance Spokesperson David Parker.


Conservation 26 Jun 2012
Investigation an ominous sign for heritage sites

World heritage sites should be out of bounds for mining and drilling, says Labour’s Conservation spokesperson Ruth Dyson.


Politics 26 Jun 2012
High-level panel needed to review ACC

Judith Collins should appoint a high-level panel to review ACC, says Labour’s ACC spokesperson Andrew Little.


Politics 25 Jun 2012
Last chance for National to listen to the people on asset sales

On the eve of the final vote on asset sales, Labour is calling on John Key to listen to the voice of the people and put a stop to the planned sell-off of our power companies and national airline.


Pharmacy 25 Jun 2012
Pharmacy contract in chaos as deadline looms

900 pharmacies up and down the country are being forced to sign a contract for services this week with many not having had time to digest its contents, says Labour’s Health spokesperson Maryan Street.


Court 25 Jun 2012
Tragic case of Joanne shows there's a clear gap in our system

The case of Joanne, discussed on Marae Investigates today, is an absolute tragedy and should never have happened, says Labour’s Social Development and Children’s spokesperson Jacinda Ardern.


Deaths 24 Jun 2012
Labour expresses condolences for ASCS Delamere

Labour’s Defence spokesperson Iain Lees-Galloway today expressed sympathy following news of the death of Royal New Zealand Navy sailor, William Paratini Delamere.


Tourism 22 Jun 2012
Key fails to do hard graft in tourism

Prime Minister John Key should turn the blow torch on himself for his poor performance as Tourism Minister in maintaining the New Zealand tourism industry at the leading edge internationally, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Transport 22 Jun 2012
Urgent need for trucking inquiry reinforced

More reports out today about dangerous practices in the trucking industry reinforce the urgent need for a select committee inquiry, says Labour’s Transport Safety spokesperson Iain Lees-Galloway.


School 22 Jun 2012
More detail needed on school property review

The Government needs to reveal the details of the contract tender for its nationwide school property review, says Labour’s Education Spokesperson Nanaia Mahuta “The review presents an opportunity to consider a number of factors affecting the medium to long-term management of school property.


Transport 22 Jun 2012
Brownlee gives rural New Zealand a one-fingered salute

Transport Minister Gerry Brownlee has told provincial ratepayers they should meet the cost of Government funding cuts for the maintenance of local roads, says Labour’s Transport spokesperson Phil Twyford.


Politics 22 Jun 2012
MoBIE due diligence – what's the full story?

Economic Development Minister Steven Joyce today appeared to contradict the State Services Commission over the so-called due diligence analysis for the new Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MoBIE), says Labour’s Economic Development spokesperson David Cunliffe.


Maori 22 Jun 2012
Whakanuia i a Matariki – Celebrate the Māori New Year!

Matariki is an important opportunity to celebrate what is now a well-recognised calendar event throughout New Zealand and with our whanaunga living overseas, says Labour’s Maori Affairs Spokesperson Parekura Horomia “Matariki is a well-known star constellation known as the Pleiades or ‘seven sisters’.


Pharmacy 21 Jun 2012
Pharmacies in chaos as DHBs press on with contract

Pharmacies across the country are reporting that they are being bullied into signing a new contract for service with their local DHB, without knowing what it is they are signing up to, says Labour’s Health Spokesperson Maryan Street.


Environment 21 Jun 2012
Joyce attacks green business report

Economic Development Minister Steven Joyce’s attack today on the Pure Advantage green business report, New Zealand’s Position in the Green Race, was scathing and unwarranted, says Labour’s economic development and clean-tech spokesperson David Cunliffe.


Alcohol 21 Jun 2012
Is Justice Minister weakening alcohol reform?

The Justice Minister needs to clarify whether or not she has done a deal with supermarkets to weaken the Alcohol Reform Bill, says Labour’s Associate Health Spokesperson Iain Lees-Galloway.


Politics 21 Jun 2012
Heatley crumbling under pressure in housing now as well as energy

John Key, take note --- Housing and Energy Minister Phil Heatley is crumbling under the pressure in both the housing and energy portfolios, says Labour’s Energy and Acting Housing spokesperson Moana Mackey.


Economy 21 Jun 2012
Current account 'moving into the danger zone'

Urgent action is needed to modernise our economy, with current account figures out today showing it’s moving into a danger zone, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker.


Employment 21 Jun 2012
Real commitment needed for Canterbury skills training

It’s time this Government made a real commitment towards encouraging young people into skills and trade training for the rebuild of Christchurch, says Labour’s Youth Affairs spokesperson Megan Woods.


Politics 20 Jun 2012
Government sitting on its hands on trade training in Christchurch

Confirmation by Tertiary Education Minister Steven Joyce at a Select Committee today that only $7 million of the $42 million allocated for skills training in Canterbury has been spent is an indictment on the Government’s slow and ad-hoc approach to ensuring there are skilled New Zealand workers available for the Christchurch re-build, Labour says.


Police 20 Jun 2012
Even Tolley's 'Dr Seuss' defence can't hide pressures facing Police

Police Minister Anne Tolley is running away from the serious pressure the Police budget is under, says Labour’s Police spokesperson Kris Faafoi.


Defence 20 Jun 2012
Cooperation welcomed within context of independent foreign policy

Labour’s Foreign Affairs and Defence spokespersons have welcomed the signing of a defence cooperation arrangement between New Zealand and the United States.


Politics 20 Jun 2012
Heatley condemned for inability to answer

Energy and Resources Minister Phil Heatley has egg all over his face after being criticised strongly by the Speaker for failing to answer a simple question on power prices, but sadly Kiwis remain in the dark, says Labour’s SOEs spokesperson Clayton Cosgrove.


Politics 20 Jun 2012
Blind belief in privatisation fails taxpayers again

The Government’s blind belief that privatisation will save the taxpayer money has been proven wrong once again and it needs to face the facts before we sell off further assets, says Labour’s Associate Education Spokesperson Chris Hipkins.


Politics 20 Jun 2012
Time for Dunne to do what he promised

Labour is calling on United Future Leader Peter Dunne to honour his election campaign commitment and vote against privatising our water resources, says Labour SOEs spokesperson Clayton Cosgrove.


Politics 19 Jun 2012
National using Europe as a new excuse for doing nothing

The risk of slumping global conditions make it more urgent to modernise the New Zealand economy but the National-led Government is acting as if there’s nothing it can do, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker.


Transport 19 Jun 2012
Drugged-up truck drivers lethal on our roads

Drugged-up truck drivers are putting lives at risk --- and the Government must take urgent action to address the root causes, says Labour’s Transport Safety Spokesperson Iain Lees-Galloway.


Education 17 Jun 2012
Government must support our gifted children

The Government must step up its commitment to our gifted children and increase their ability to learn and extend themselves through education, says Labour’s Education Spokesperson Nanaia Mahuta.


Community 17 Jun 2012
Volunteers are the backbone of our community

Volunteers are the backbone of our community and we should celebrate the contribution they make to our society, says Labour’s Community and Voluntary Sector spokesperson Louisa Wall.


Politics 17 Jun 2012
Retirement report piles more pressure on PM

The prime minister is playing politics on an issue that calls for leadership as we face a looming crisis of the future affordability of superannuation, says Labour leader David Shearer.


Politics 17 Jun 2012
Judith Collins misusing departmental website

Ethnic Affairs Minister Judith Collins should stop using her own department’s website to promote the National Party and to solicit donations, says Labour’s ethnic MPs Rajen Prasad and Raymond Huo.


Politics 16 Jun 2012
Labour Leader congratulates Lianne Dalziel on UN appointment

David Shearer has today congratulated Labour’s Canterbury Earthquake Recovery spokesperson Lianne Dalziel on her appointment to the UNISDR Advisory Group of Parliamentarians on Disaster Risk Reduction.


Politics 15 Jun 2012
Time for straight answers from Judith Collins

Judith Colllins has some serious explaining to do about her involvement in a police complaint against an ACC claimant following the release of fresh information from police showing answers she gave in Parliament today were wrong, says Labour’s ACC spokesperson Andrew Little.


Crime 15 Jun 2012
Time for international community to move on Syria

Labour Foreign Affairs spokesperson Phil Goff says that an Amnesty International report released today adds to mounting evidence that the Syrian Government is responsible for the slaughter of its own people and gross violations of their human rights.


Politics 14 Jun 2012
MP disputes waiting time cut claim

Reports today that Housing New Zealand has reduced their wait time at its call centre to five minutes are wrong, Dunedin South MP Clare Curran says.


Employment 14 Jun 2012
Private sector sets target in absence of National

Labour congratulates private companies for leading the way in setting a target to improve the number of women on boards in the private sector, says Labour’s Women’s Affairs spokesperson Sue Moroney.


Politics 14 Jun 2012
Joyce's defiance of Auditor-General unacceptable

Steven Joyce’s determination to push ahead with his shady pokies deal despite the Auditor-General launching an inquiry is unacceptable, says Labour’s Economic Development spokesperson David Cunliffe.


Politics 13 Jun 2012
Labour will fight asset sales all the way in Parliament

Labour makes no apology for its intention to fight the Government all the way on the sale of New Zealand-owned assets, says Labour SOEs spokesperson Clayton Cosgrove.

Labour Party asset sales poster


Government 13 Jun 2012
Collins presides over 'chaos of resignations'

The resignation of CEO Ralph Stewart is evidence of the utter chaos that ACC has descended into under the watch of Minister Judith Collins, says Labour’s ACC spokesperson Andrew Little.


Gambling 13 Jun 2012
National's shonky pokies deal on the ropes

The shonky deal between National and SkyCity must immediately go on hold until the Auditor-General’s investigation into the convention centre tendering process is complete, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Government 13 Jun 2012
ACC Minister should be relieved of duties

The Prime Minister should relieve Judith Collins of the ACC portfolio and appoint a Minister who is capable of dedicating themselves fully to the job, says Labour’s ACC spokesperson Andrew Little.


News 13 Jun 2012
Speech: Learning the lessons of history

Speech to annual Kensington Swan insolvency function, Auckland, 11 June 2012 David Cunliffe, Labour Economic Development and Associate Finance Spokesperson Tēnā Koutou Thank you for inviting me into the lion’s den.


Disability 13 Jun 2012
Cross-party cooperation on carers funding needed

Cross-party cooperation is needed if New Zealand is to have long term, sustainable solutions to provide funding for family caregivers of disabled adults, says Labour’s spokesperson for Disability Issues, Clare Curran.


Employment 13 Jun 2012
Minister should make employment disputes facilitation more accessible

The progress of Ports of Auckland negotiations is a testimony to the determination of the ports workers and the success of formal facilitation under the Employment Relations Act, says Darien Fenton, Labour’s spokesperson on Labour Issues.


Community 13 Jun 2012
We must protect free access to public libraries

A Bill to protect New Zealanders’ access to free public libraries has been lodged into the Parliamentary ballot by Labour MP for Wigram Megan Woods.


Transport 13 Jun 2012
Road and petrol tax increase 'tax and spend'

The Government’s decision to  increase petrol tax and road user charges are outrageous examples of tax and spend at a time when the country is being asked to tighten its belt, says Labour’s Transport spokesperson Phil Twyford.


Court 13 Jun 2012
Family Court fee a disincentive that mocks consultation

New fees introduced to the family court system will work as a disincentive for those who need the Court’s help most, says Labour’s Justice spokesperson Charles Chauvel.


Government 13 Jun 2012
Forced council amalgamations on the way

Communities will lose their right to have a say on council amalgamations under National’s Local Government Amendment Bill, says Labour’s Acting Local Government spokesperson Phil Twyford.


Politics 13 Jun 2012
The buck stops with the ACC Minister

News that ACC Chair John Judge will leave the corporation at the end of the month is ‘politically convenient’ but doesn’t let the Minister off the hook, says Labour’s spokesperson for ACC Andrew Little.


Politics 13 Jun 2012
Key all over the place on his own polling

Prime Minister John Key is all over the place in terms of listening to his own party’s polling, says Labour SOEs spokesperson Clayton Cosgrove.


Employment 12 Jun 2012
Genuine debate on Super affordability needed now

Political leaders must confront the looming crisis of the future affordability of Superannuation now rather than risking having to make harsh cuts to entitlements down the track, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Environment 12 Jun 2012
Report an overdue call to arms

A report released today (June 11) measuring New Zealand’s standing in the global green economy is an overdue call to arms for both business and government, says Labour’s Economic Development spokesperson David Cunliffe.


Employment 12 Jun 2012
National will cut Super if age issues aren't addressed

If the rising cost of New Zealand Superannuation isn't addressed by increasing the age of entitlement, a future National Government is likely to make cuts and penalise people for saving, Labour's Finance spokesperson David Parker says.


Politics 12 Jun 2012
Wider ACC inquiry needed

The Minister of ACC must look at a wider review of the organisation to fix long-standing problems and reassure the public, says Labour’s spokesperson for ACC Andrew Little.


Education 11 Jun 2012
Minister needs to spell out achievement agenda

With the class size catastrophe resolved, Education Minister Hekia Parata needs to spell out her plan for improving teacher quality and student achievement, says Labour’s Education spokesperson Nanaia Mahuta.


Police 11 Jun 2012
Police latest victims of botched Budget

Frontline police officers look to be the latest casualty in National’s botched Budget, says Labour’s Police spokesperson Kris Faafoi.


Economy 11 Jun 2012
IMF report shows NZ economy needs modernising

An IMF warning that ‘the pace of New Zealand’s economic recovery is likely to remain modest’ is a reminder that the economy needs modernising to grow jobs and incomes faster, Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker says.


Politics 9 Jun 2012
Biosecurity slashed under John Key's watch

The number of biosecurity officers and detector dogs slashed since John Key took office poses a serious threat to New Zealand’s horticulture and agriculture industries says Labour’s Biosecurity spokesperson Damien O’Connor.


Environment 9 Jun 2012
Petroleum block offer premature - Labour

The opening of the 2012 petroleum block offer today is premature and should be put on hold until adequate environmental protections are in place, says Labour’s Energy spokesperson Moana Mackey.


Politics 8 Jun 2012
Excuses, excuses...

A whole new excuse is being promoted by the Government for its failure to grow the economy, Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker says.


Transport 8 Jun 2012
Petition launched to save commuter train

Labour MP for Palmerston North, Iain Lees-Galloway, today launched a petition calling on the Government to work with regional councils to ensure a viable rail connection is maintained between the city and Wellington.


Education 8 Jun 2012
Humiliating back-down a victory for Kiwi kids and parents

News of the Government’s humiliating back-down over its class size plans is a victory for Kiwi kids and their parents, Labour Leader David Shearer says.


Education 8 Jun 2012
Key must intervene to cancel class size increase

John Key must take time out from his European tour to call his Education Minister and direct her to cancel the plan to increase class sizes, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Employment 7 Jun 2012
0800 Job Shuffle at HNZ

70 Housing New Zealand staff made redundant in April have good reason to feel let down as National's drive for efficiency has seen them almost immediately replaced with call centre staff.

0800 Job Shuffle at HNZ


Building 7 Jun 2012
Super Ministry will become a black hole

The so-called Super Ministry looks set to become a “black hole” that marks the point of no return for public service agencies like the Department of Building and Housing (DBH), says Labour’s Building and Construction spokesperson Raymond Huo.


TV 7 Jun 2012
MP urges Dunedin to fight to Save TVNZ 7

Dunedin South MP and Labour Broadcasting Spokesperson Clare Curran is urging Dunedinites to do what they can to support the campaign to Save TVNZ 7 and attend the Dunedin Public Meeting being held tomorrow night, Thursday 7 June from 6-8pm in the Colquhoun Theatre, Dunedin Public Hospital.


Employment 7 Jun 2012
Cutting workers' rights won't improve health and safety

The Health and Safety Taskforce announced today is an important step in making our workplaces safer, but the government’s determination to weaken workers’ rights could totally undermine its work, says Labour’s spokesperson for Labour Issues, Darien Fenton.


Education 7 Jun 2012
Minister too proud to reverse decision

It's time Hekia Parata conceded that her covert plan to increase class sizes is based on flawed rationale, Labour’s Education spokesperson Nanaia Mahuta says.


Community 7 Jun 2012
Williamson's delay is not acceptable

Continuing to ignore a petition signed by more than 3,600 rest home residents highlights the Government’s blasé attitude to their plight, Labour Building and Construction Spokesperson Raymond Huo says.


Economy 7 Jun 2012
Global instability reveals weak NZ economy

More instability in global markets is laying bare weakness in the New Zealand economy, Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker says.


Maori 6 Jun 2012
Green Party celebrates cross party approach to tackle the wellbeing of Maori children

"Today's inquiry hearings into the determinants of wellbeing of Maori children is a positive example of a cross party approach to an issue, says Green Party Co-Leader Metiria Turei.


Environment 6 Jun 2012
Tougher measures needed to stop pollution from dairying

The Government needs to act through stronger rules and regulations to stop the pollution of our waterways from dairy discharges, Labour’s Environment spokesperson Grant Robertson says.


Education 6 Jun 2012
Mana's schools speaking out

A good cross section of Mana’s schools are speaking out against the Government’s education cuts announced in this year’s Budget saying they will not help our kids reach their potential, Labour MP for Mana Kris Faafoi said today.


Employment 6 Jun 2012
John Key trumped on job figures

John Key’s optimistic job forecasts for his much-hyped convention centre in Auckland once again reveal his government’s economic strategy is based on back-of-the-envelope calculations and the lack of any real plan, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Education 6 Jun 2012
Ditch class size increase – a moratorium won't cut it

Labour is calling on the Government to ditch its plan to increase class sizes and to stop trying to make trade-offs with our children’s education.


Alcohol 6 Jun 2012
Drink driving must be included in alcohol reform

Lowering the drink driving limit should be part of the Alcohol Reform Bill, says Labour's Transport Safety spokesperson Iain Lees-Galloway.


Transport 6 Jun 2012
Lives at risk from National's neglect of local roads

The National Government is letting rural roads fall into disrepair and this will inevitably cost lives, says Labour’s Transport Spokesperson Phil Twyford.


Deaths 4 Jun 2012
Labour expresses sympathy at death of Sir Brian Talboys

Labour has expressed its deepest condolences to the family, friends and former colleagues of Sir Brian Talboys who has passed away.


Gambling 4 Jun 2012
Charities Commission intervention in gambling crackdown inappropriate

The Charities Commission must urgently retract an email it sent out to charitable organisations ramping up opposition to legislation designed to crack down on gambling, says Labour’s Internal Affairs Spokesperson Ruth Dyson.